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Guide to Using Minitab 14 For Basic Statistical Applications

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1 Guide to Using Minitab 14 For Basic Statistical Applications
To Accompany Business Statistics: A Decision Making Approach, 6th Ed. Chapter 15: Multiple Regression and Model Building By Groebner, Shannon, Fry, & Smith Prentice-Hall Publishing Company Copyright, 2008

2 Chapter 15 Minitab Examples
Multiple Regression First City Real Estate Multiple Regression – Variance Inflation Factor First City Real Estate Multiple Regression – Dummy Variable Curvilinear Regression Prediction Ashley Investment Services More Examples

3 Chapter 15 Minitab Examples (cont’d)
Second Order Model Ashley Investment Services Standard Stepwise Regression Lomgmont Corporation Residual Analysis First City Real Estate

4 Multiple Regression First City Real Estate
Issue: First City management wishes to build a model that can be used to predict sales prices for residential property. Objective: Use Minitab to build a multiple regression model relating sales price to a set of measurable variables. Data file is First City.MTW

5 Multiple Regression – First City Real Estate
Open File First City.MTW

6 Multiple Regression – First City Real Estate
First click on Stat, then Basic Statistics and finally on Correlation.

7 Multiple Regression – First City Real Estate
Identify columns for Variables. Click on OK

8 Multiple Regression – First City Real Estate
The Minitab output shows the correlation (r = ) between Age and Square Feet.

9 Multiple Regression – First City Real Estate
The correlation between each predictor and Price is highly significant. Thus, each predictor will be inserted into the regression model.

10 Multiple Regression – First City Real Estate
Click on Stat, then Regression and then Regression again.

11 Multiple Regression – First City Real Estate
Define the columns containing the Response (Price) and Predictor Variables

12 Multiple Regression – First City Real Estate
The regression coefficients, R2, S, and sum of squares are all generated by the regression command.

13 Multiple Regression – Variance Inflation Factor First City Real Estate
Issue: First City managers wish to identify any multicollinearity that exists in the predictor variables. Objective: Use Minitab to calculate the variance inflation factors (VIF). Data file is First City.MTW

14 Multiple Regression – First City Real Estate
Open File First City.MTW

15 Multiple Regression – First City Real Estate
Click on Stat, then Regression and then Regression again.

16 Multiple Regression – VIF - First City
Define the columns containing the Response and Predictor Variables then select Options to use the VIF.

17 Multiple Regression – VIF - First City
Click to determine the Variance Inflation Factors

18 Multiple Regression – VIF - First City
The output shows the variance inflation factors. All VIFs are below 5. Multicollinearity is not evident.

19 Multiple Regression – Dummy Variable First City Real Estate
Issue: First City managers wish to improve the model by adding a location variable. Objective: Use Minitab to improve a regression model by adding a dummy variable. Data file is First City.MTW

20 Multiple Regression – Dummy Variable - First City
Open file First City.MTW.

21 Multiple Regression – Dummy Variable - First City
Click on Stat then Regression and then Regression again.

22 Multiple Regression – Dummy Variable - First City
Select the columns containing the Response and Predictor Variables.

23 Multiple Regression – Dummy Variable - First City
The output shows an improved regression model with the variable, Area, included.

24 Curvilinear Relationships - Ashley Investment Services
Issue: The director of personnel is trying to determine whether there is a relationship between employee burnout and time spent socializing with co-workers. Objective: Use Minitab to determine whether the relationship between the two measures is statistically significant. Data file is Ashley.MTW

25 Curvilinear Relationships – Ashley Investment Services
Open File Ashley.MTW File contains values for 20 Investment Advisors.

26 Curvilinear Relationships – Ashley Investment Services
To develop the scatter plot first click on Graph button then select Scatterplot

27 Curvilinear Relationships – Ashley Investment Services
Select Simple

28 Curvilinear Relationships – Ashley Investment Services
Identify the columns containing the variables to be graphed.

29 Curvilinear Relationships – Ashley Investment Services
Relationship may be curvilinear – next, fit linear to see model results

30 Curvilinear Relationships – Ashley Investment Services
Click on Stat then Regression and then Regression.

31 Curvilinear Relationships – Ashley Investment Services
Identify the columns containing the X and Y variables. Then click OK.

32 Curvilinear Relationships – Ashley Investment Services
To find a nonlinear model, click on Stat then Regression and select Fitted Line Plot.

33 Curvilinear Relationships – Ashley Investment Services
Minitab gives the choice of three models, select Quadratic.

34 Curvilinear Relationships – Ashley Investment Services
This gives the Quadratic Regression Line. The Regression Equation and R-Square value are given.

35 Curvilinear Relationships – Ashley Investment Services
This gives Regression Equation and R-square value. The R-Square value is larger than that for the linear model.

36 Second Order Model - Ashley Investment Services
Issue: The director of personnel is trying to determine whether there are interactive effects in the relationship between employee burnout and time spent socializing with co-workers. Objective: Use Minitab to determine whether interactive effects between the two measures are statistically significant. Data file is Ashley-2.MTW

37 Second Order Model – Ashley Investment Services
Open File Ashley-2.MTW

38 Second Order Model – Ashley Investment Services
To simplify the next few steps, modify the names of Columns C2 and C3, adding X1 and X2

39 Second Order Model – Ashley Investment Services
Using the Calculator tab, set up columns C4, C5 and C6 as: Column C4 – Expression C2 * C2 Column C5 – Expression C2 * C1 Column C6 – Expression C4 * C3 Identify the column headings

40 Second Order Model – Ashley Investment Services
Click on Stat then Regression and then Regression.

41 Second Order Model – Ashley Investment Services
Identify the columns containing the X and Y variables. Then click OK.

42 Second Order Model – Ashley Investment Services
Regression Coefficients

43 Standard Stepwise - Longmont Corporation
Issue: The Longmont Corporation wishes to develop a regression model to help explain the monthly dollar loss due to shoplifting Objective: Use Minitab to perform a standard stepwise regression analysis using Shoplifting losses as the dependent variable. Data file is Longmont.MTW

44 Standard Stepwise – Longmont
Open file Longmont.MTW

45 Standard Stepwise – Longmont
To develop the correlation matrix use Stat – Basic Statistics - Correlation

46 Standard Stepwise – Longmont
Specify the variables to be included in the correlation matrix

47 Standard Stepwise – Longmont
Correlation Results

48 Standard Stepwise – Longmont
To develop a stepwise model, first click on Stat, then Regression and then on Stepwise.

49 Standard Stepwise – Longmont
Identify columns containing the y variable and the x variables – then select Methods

50 Standard Stepwise – Longmont
Select Forward selection – specify Alpha to enter (0.05 in this case) and F to enter

51 Standard Stepwise – Longmont
This is the final step in the output. Two variables have entered the model. The last column shows the regression coefficients, their t values and R-Square.

52 Residual Analysis - First City Real Estate
Issue: The company is interested in analyzing the residuals of the regression model to determine whether the assumptions are satisfied. Objective: Use Minitab to analyze residuals from a regression model. Data file is First City-3.MTW

53 Residual Analysis – First City Real Estate
Open file First City-3.MTW

54 Residual Analysis – First City Real Estate
Click on Stat, then Regression and then Regression again.

55 Residual Analysis – First City Real Estate
Identify the x and y variables.

56 Residual Analysis – First City Real Estate
R-square = 96.9%

57 Residual Analysis – First City Real Estate
These are the options using the Graphs button – Select Residuals versus fits.

58 Residual Analysis – First City Real Estate
Residual Plot versus fitted y values.

59 Residual Analysis – First City Real Estate
Select Histogram of residuals

60 Residual Analysis – First City Real Estate

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