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Europe’s Heartland Ch 12 section 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Europe’s Heartland Ch 12 section 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Europe’s Heartland Ch 12 section 2

2 Which countries make this name Benelux?
What is the second largest country in Europe? (pop) Why is specialization so important for a country to get $? What are high technology resources? Why is tourism so popular in France? What is a Chateaux What is France’s second religion? Do people live more in cities or countryside? What river goes through Paris? What are the two most admired things about France? 3 facts about the soccer player Thierry Henry? What is the biggest marketing item of Antwerp? Biggest export of Holland is what? How have the Dutch reclaimed land from the sea?

3 Germany Pride Highest population in Europe despite two World Wars both of which they lost Highly productive Transportation Auto industry Pride in their great thinkers Bach, Beethoven

4 Germany Polders- formally drained lands Multinational companies-
Elbe and Danube, Germany has great natural transport 10 things you already know about Germany, this could be hard, but anything that is valid works

5 Germany/Switzerland Mountains, great economies
Most important river in Germany-starts in Switz Rhine Not unified until 1872 World War 2 was begun by Germany, World War 2 by Austro-Hungary

6 Government President, elected by people- Ceremonial
Chancellor- elected by Parliament- Real power Angela Merkel

7 What are the Alpine Countries?
Switzerland Austria Liechtenstein Switzerland- gate between n/s Neutrality=stable gov. for 700 years Movie CLip

8 Swiss/Austrian 5 Things the Swiss are known for?
5 Things the Austrians are known for?

9 Switzerland Clocks Watches Chocolate Electronics Swiss army knives
¾ mountain covered

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