Ben Voorhorst, President, ENTSO-E

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Presentation on theme: "Ben Voorhorst, President, ENTSO-E"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ben Voorhorst, President, ENTSO-E
Financing the energy transition – between austerity and the Juncker Plan Ben Voorhorst, President, ENTSO-E European Energy Dialogue, Economic and Social Committee 7 September 2017, Brussels Picture by Aaron Lee

2 Who are we? Picture from Fotolia

3 A paradigm shift in the power system
PAST PRESENT FUTURE? Variability & decentralisation Smart, data-centric system Electrification of transport Engaged prosumers One-way power flows Predictability Bidirectional flows & smart technologies

4 The Energy Transition: Transmission makes it happen
27% renewables by 2030 = +/- 45% for the power system Wind CHALLENGES Hydro Solar System stability Resource variability New connections Changed power flows Integrating demand-side resources Empowering consumers & managing data Unlocking flexibility Flow North-East South-West Flow North-south

5 TSOs in ENTSO-E – a success story for regional cooperation
MARKETS Internal Energy Market developed voluntary & regionally EU guideline on capacity allocation & congestion management OPERATIONS Regional security coordinators created on a voluntary basis Registered in the EU system operation guideline PLANNING Regional planning used in the EU 10-year network development process TYNDP used as basis for the EU Projects of Common Interests

6 TYNDP 2016 Projects: enabling the European Energy Transition
2x more interconnection capacities by 2030 1% increase in the total consumer bill €150 billion investment till 2030 Integrating up to 60% renewable energy sources Proper return for investors Up to 5 €/Megawatt hour reduction on bulk power prices Gain support from local communities

7 The right investment framework needed for the next decade
Looking at the future… Tariffs should be: Stable Adequate to volume Adequate to risk

8 The Nord Sea Wind Power Hub: exploiting synergies at the regional level

9 The right architecture needed:
Regional Energy Forums (REFs) ensuring regional investments, market development and security of supply Decision-making triangle 1 Member States Regulators Other parties System Operators Regional Security Coordinators 3 Regional TSO cooperation 2 Policy regions Picture from Pixabay

10 Electricity: European, regional, national, local – all at once…
Thank you for your attention

11 For information

12 Network codes The cost of non-Europe:
Network Codes – key enablers for EU energy integration Competitiveness & Social Welfare Sustainability 23 states and 85% of European consumption market coupled 10 million data files made available yearly for 2500 daily users of ENTSO-E transparency platform 260 GW of RES connected 25 GW in 2016 >10 GW of EU demand side response Network codes Security of supply NO multi-state interruptions recent years Up to 300 coordinated tasks/day in a RSC Hundreds trained employees in RSCs programs and offices

13 Sector coupling Mobility+ Power & Gas networks (both transmission & distribution) Power + Gas Transmission & Distribution Interface Network interface with market participants

14 Power to the users TODAY 2025 INNOVATION …to use it every day
From understanding the core role of data management… Connected data hubs Smart apps to empower prosumers Non-discriminatory access Smartgrids projects Data exchange platforms European guidance TODAY INNOVATION 2025

15 Regional Energy Forums for the Energy Union
The way ahead: Regional Energy Forums for the Energy Union Set-up mandatory Regional Energy Forums (REFs) including MSs, TSOs, NRAs with strong stakeholder interaction to promote coordination, progress and speed Ensure consistency and balance between national, regional and pan-European levels and align the REFs through the Electricity Coordination Group Ensure regional and pan-European cooperation through the contribution and commitment of all parties: Governments, regulators, TSOs, stakeholders and citizens

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