ILC Status in Japan LCWS2016, Morioka M.Yamauchi KEK December 5, 2016

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1 ILC Status in Japan LCWS2016, Morioka M.Yamauchi KEK December 5, 2016
KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization ILC Status in Japan December 5, 2016 LCWS2016, Morioka M.Yamauchi KEK

2 ILC Advisory Panel in MEXT
Under ILC TF chaired by State Minister of MEXT Research contract ILC Advisory Panel Survey of technological spin-offs, research trends and technical feasibility May 2014 ~ Particle and Nuclear Physics Working Group TDR Validation Working Group Human Resources Working Group June 2014 ~ June 2014 ~ Nov ~

3 Interim Report from the ILC Panel
“Summary of Discussions” released by the ILC Advisory Panel (August 2015) Recommendation 1: Share the cost internationally and Find a clear vision on the discovery potential of new particles. Recommendation 2: Closely monitor and analyze the development of the LHC experiments and Mitigate cost risk. Recommendation 3: Obtain general understanding by the public and science communities. It is extremely important to respond to these recommendations in an appropriate manner in 1.5 year time frame to get real progress from the Japanese Government. It is KEK’s priority to do these with the international partners.

4 KEK’s efforts to actualize ILC (1)
WG1: Public relations Contributions to “LC NewsLine” “ILC physics brochure” in Japanese Collaboration with AAA; Science Kitty goods, and so on. WG2: Accounting ILC to scientists in the other discipline Panel discussion on “ILC and role of Japan” at Isotope and Radiation Research Meeting. ILC presentations and symposium at Academic Lectures of Japan Society of Applied Physics. Lectures at a meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan. …and presentations and seminars at O(20) universities. WG3: Spin-off effects of having ILC in Japan “Why having ILC in Japan is good” must be clearly described to journalists and everybody in Japan. “Spin-off effects of ILC 2016” has been publicized by this WG. Nobel prize, hub of human knowledge, human resource development, industries, innovations, etc.

5 KEK’s efforts to actualize ILC (2)
WG4: Potential nuclear and hadron physics program at ILC Have communicated with the Japanese nuclear physics community, and WG5: International action plans A document describing roadmap between governmental green light and actual start of the construction. KEK’s action plan was publicized in January 2016, which has to be extended to the international action plan. A working group for the European action plan has started. WG6: Clarification of scientific impact of ILC One of the recommendations in the ILC advisory panel, “Find a clear vision on the discovery potential of new particles” was given, partly because the panel has not been convinced with the scientific raison d'etre of ILC. We need to provide far better and understandable justification to the panel. Close collaboration with the LCC physics working group “Presentable draft” will be discussed at this Morioka workshop.

6 KEK’s action plan for ILC

7 Our reactions to the recommendations
Advisory panel recommendations once more: Recommendation 1: Share the cost internationally and Find a clear vision on the discovery potential of new particles. Recommendation 2: Closely monitor and analyze the development of the LHC experiments and Mitigate cost risk. Recommendation 3: Obtain general understanding by the public and science communities. WG1, 2, 3 and 4 Surely will do. WG6 NRI’s survey pointed out some potential problems of the TDR design. Need to work on them. International physics communities are urged to work with your funding agencies and governments.

8 US-Japan Discussion Group
US and Japan have a long history (37 years!) of successful collaboration based on the governmental framework. This will be one of the keys to develop government level consensus on the ILC project. Government officers from MEXT visited their counterparts in DOE at the end of May 2016, and it was agreed to start the US-Japan discussion group co-chaired by DOE and MEXT. Agenda of the discussion includes “Possibilities of collaborative research for cost reduction”.

9 1. Cost reduction in Nb material preparation
Optimize the ingot purity with a lower residual resistivity ratio (RRR). Simplify the manufacturing method such as forging, rolling, slicing and tube forming. 2016 2017 2018 2019 KEK Masashi Yamanaka Feasibility study using 3-cell cavities (ongoing) Manufacture 8x9-cell cavities Evaluation (Vertical&Horizontal tests) Preparing materials Medium or High RRR sheet for cells Low RRR tube for beam pipe Quality of Nb for the end part will be optimized at this stage. Low RRR sheet for stiffener

10 2. High-Q high-gradient SRC with nitrogen infusion
(Anna Grassellino surface treatment) Confirm reproducibility of the nitrogen infusion method to improve Q and field gradient of SC RF cavity. High statistics test of the yield by fabricating 8 9-cell cavities. example of Cornell 2016 2017 2018 2019 KEK Hitoshi HAYANO FNAL process 1 cell processing Performance test Preparation for cryomodule Preparation of vacuum furnace 3-9cell performance 8 - 9cell cavities fabrication Performance test

11 Impact on the ILC cost Possible cost reduction ILC cost reduction
1. Nb material 2-3% 2. High-Q high-G 8-9% sum 10-12%

12 A-3. Power input coupler fabrication
The principal researchers are E. Kako, Y. Yamamoto (KEK) and N. Solyak and S. Kazakov (Fermilab). Cost reduction: 1~1.5%(of the ILC total value cost in the TDR) Schedule 2016 2017 2018 2019 KEK E. Kako Y. Yamamoto Evauation of ceramic (on going) Design Manufacturing #2 Manufacturing Manufacturing For cyromodule High power test High power test Collaboration with FNAL Const down R&D 2016/09/13

13 A-4. Cavity chemical treatment
Principal researcher: H.Hayano The change of the SC-cavity chemical treatment, from horizontal EP and sulfuric acid + HF (TDR) to vertical EP (VEP) + non-HF solution + bipolar EP. VEP with wing-cathode Bipolar EP using non-HF solution 1~1.5 % (of the ILC total cost in TDR). Const down R&D 2016/09/13

14 NRI’s report on readiness of ILC technology
NRI visited 12 research institutions and 15 industrial enterprises worldwide to study the followings, and reported them to MEXT. Technical feasibility of the proposed ILC Analyses of the remaining agenda in the accelerator construction Analyses of the possible efforts aimed at cost reduction NRI pointed out that the following seven items need breakthrough by further R&D accompanied with prototyping. Marx power supply Positron source, helical undulator, positron target and electron-driven positron source for back-up Rapid beam feed-back system for damping ring Beam dump Crab cavity

15 ILC R&D at KEK

16 STF-2 Accelerator Cryomodule Test
8 Cavities were tuned on resonance by piezo, and vector-sum operation was done at 31MV/m. CM2a Waveguide system Cold box CM1 View from upstream Capture CM Cold box To be constructed 07/Dec/2016 RF Gun

17 Progress in FF Beam Size and Stability at ATF2
Goal 1: Establish the ILC final focus method with same optics and comparable beamline tolerances ATF2 Goal : 37 nm  ILC 6 nm Achieved 41 nm (2016) Goal 2: Develop a few nm position stabilization for the ILC collision FB latency 133 nsec achieved (target: < 300 nsec) positon jitter at IP: 410  67 nm (2015) (limited by the BPM resolution) Nano-meter stabilization at IP We continue efforts to achieve goal 1 and goal 2. History of ATF2 small beam

18 Message for the real progress of ILC to happen
Next 1.5 years will be critical for ILC to get green light from the Japanese Government. We maximally consolidate our efforts to optimize chances to get real progress in this time scale. International physics communities are requested to talk with their funding agencies and/or governments to express their enthusiasm for ILC, and submit official proposals to the governments requesting for review processes, etc.

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