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Conversion of Standard Broadcast Video Signals for HDTV Compatibility

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1 Conversion of Standard Broadcast Video Signals for HDTV Compatibility
Ph.D. Defense Presentation Elham Shahinfard Advisor: Prof. M. A Sid-Ahmed 16 July 2009

2 Contributions Proposing a motion adaptive deinterlacing method. It includes: An accurate hierarchical motion detection algorithm A recursive threshold optimization method A motion adaptive interpolation algorithm for estimating the missing lines.

3 Outline Introduction Background Information & Review of Previous Works
Proposed Motion Detection (MD) Method Proposed Motion Adaptive Deinterlacing Method Evaluation of Algorithm Performance and Comparison with Other Methods Summary and Future Works

4 Problem Definition Digital high definition TV is replacing analog TV all over the world Canada and U.S. have adopted the Advanced Television System Committee fully digital system as their new TV standard Analog TV standards use Interlaced format Deinterlacing for converting interlaced to progressive has attracted attention Vertical lines Horizontal pixels per line Aspect Ratio Progressive/Interlaced 720 1280 16:9 Progressive 1080 1920 Interlace

5 Video Scanning Format Interlacing

6 Deinterlacing Estimation De-Interlacing
Deinterlacing Objective: To find the best estimation for the missing lines with minimum distortion

7 Outline Introduction Background Information & Review of Previous Works
Proposed Motion Detection (MD) Method Proposed Motion Adaptive Deinterlacing Method Evaluation of Algorithm Performance and Comparison with Other Methods Summary and Future Works

8 Deinterlacing Categories
Spatial deinterlacing (Intra-frame) Temporal deinterlacing (Inter-frame) Hybrid deinterlacing (Inter-frame) Vertical-Temporal (VT) median deinterlacing Motion compensated deinterlacing Motion adaptive deinterlacing

9 Spatial Deinterlacing
Uses only spatial data from current field of video : location of a pixel in the field : spatial displacement vector Examples Line Repetition Line Averaging

10 Spatial Deinterlacing Example (Line Averaging)
Original Progressive Frame Interlaced Field Advantages Simplicity Motion robustness Disadvantages Low quality; blurring effect Deinterlaced Frame

11 Temporal Deinterlacing
Uses only temporal data from previous and/or subsequent fields Examples Field Insertion Bilinear Field Averaging

12 Temporal Deinterlacing Example (Field Insertion)
Original Progressive Frame Interlaced Field Advantages Simplicity Perfect for static regions Disadvantages Severe distortion in dynamic regions Deinterlaced Frame

13 VT Median Deinterlacing
A median filter is used to interpolate the missing lines The median operation is done in both temporal and vertical directions Example: Three tap VT median deinterlacing:

14 VT Median Deinterlacing Example
Original Progressive Frame Interlaced Field Advantages Easy implementation Superior to temporal and spatial methods Disadvantages Low quality Deinterlaced Frame

15 Motion Compensated Deinterlacing
Video sequence is virtually converted to a stationary sequence A motion estimation method estimates the motion The estimated motion is removed consequently A deinterlacing method, which performs well in static regions, is applied to the stationary sequence Motion data is added to the deinterlaced sequence in a later stage

16 Motion Compensated Deinterlacing
Advantages High quality results Perfect for videos with translational motion, such as panning camera Disadvantages Performance is highly dependant to motion estimation results Vulnerable to common motion estimation obstacle, such as: Object deformation Appearance and disappearance of objects Fast motions which goes beyond the search area Sub-pixel motions

17 Motion Adaptive Deinterlacing
Benefits from both interframe and intraframe deinterlacing methods by: Using a motion detector to divide a video sequence into static and dynamic regions Using an interframe deinterlacing in static regions Using an intraframe deinterlacing in dynamic regions Combining the results to obtain best estimation It has proven to be a proper choice for high quality deinterlacing A high quality motion adaptive deinterlacing has been designed in this research

18 Outline Introduction Background Information & Review of Previous Works
Proposed Motion Detection (MD) Method Proposed Motion Adaptive Deinterlacing Method Evaluation of Algorithm Performance and Comparison with Other Methods Summary and Future Works

19 Design Objectives & Contributions
Accurately detecting the presence of motion in video sequence Measuring motion activity level of video sequence with high precision Contributions Proposing an accurate motion detection algorithm which: Uses five consecutive fields of interlaced video Has a hierarchical structure Utilizes two LPF to improve algorithm accuracy

20 Input Sequence Five consecutive fields of a video sequence are used for motion detection The optimum number of correlated interlaced video fields is 5. Relative position of missing lines in five consecutive fields

21 Motion Detector Motion detection goal is detecting the possibility of motion Motion direction is not important Increase the accuracy of motion detector. Assumptions: Signal is large and noise is small Low frequency energy in signal is greater than low frequency energy in noise and alias 2D square averaging filters are appropriate choices Improves the consistency of the output Assumption: moving objects are larger than pixels an mxm median filter is an appropriate choice

22 Hierarchical Block Receives dif1, dif2, dif3
Partitions them into data blocks Calculates the average intensity value for each block

23 Hierarchical Block Compares the average intensity value of each block with its corresponding data blocks Finds the maximum average intensity value of each three corresponding data blocks Compares the maximum value with a predefined threshold value If less than threshold value, the data block is considered static and its motion value is set to zero If greater than threshold value, the data block is dynamic A dynamic data block will be recursively partitioned to smaller data blocks The recursive procedure may continue up to pixel level The final output is motion value matrix

24 Hierarchical Block Average Intensity Value before Thresholding
Average Intensity Value after Thresholding

25 Threshold Value Determination
Threshold values have been found by experimental tests A video sequence with tractable moving objects is a proper starting point Average intensity values have been monitored for several test sequences to find initial values Initial values have been applied to motion detection methods and recursively optimized for error minimization

26 Outline Introduction Background Information & Review of Previous Works
Proposed Motion Detection Method Proposed Deinterlacing Method Evaluation of Algorithm Performance and Comparison with Other Methods Summary and Future Works

27 Proposed Motion Adaptive Deinterlacing
Improves motion detection consistency by reducing distortion Reduces the possibility of missing motions.

28 Non-Linear Transformation
Converts Motion-Value (MV) to motion possibility value and are predefined threshold values found by recursive error minimization.

29 Threshold Calculation
Pre Conditions: are in the same range as pixel intensity values (0-255 in a general case) Initial setup Initial threshold values: Initial step size: 10 Procedure: Initial values have been applied to the proposed motion adaptive deinterlacing method Deinterlacing error has been calculated and recorded for each initial value Initial values have been changed based on calculated error. Finer step size has been applied to the area with minimum error

30 Threshold Calculation
Same procedure has been applied to several test sequences has proven to be optimum values for a general setup

31 Interpolation Algorithm
: motion possibility value : intensity value of a pixel using Spatial deinterlacing method; Linear interpolation is chosen as spatial deinterlacing method : intensity value of a pixel using Temporal deinterlacing method; Median filtering is chosen as temporal deinterlacing method

32 Deinterlacing Results
Stennis Original Progressive Video Stennis Deinterlaced Video Sflowg Original Progressive Video Sflowg Deinterlaced Video

33 Implementation Results
(a) Grandmom; Original progressive frame (b) Grandmom; Deinterlaced frame (c) Mom; Original progressive frame (d) Mom; Deinterlaced frame

34 (e) MomDaughter; Original progressive frame
(f) MomDaughter; Deinterlaced frame (g) Stennis; Original progressive frame (h) Stennis; Deinterlaced frame

35 (i) Heart; Original progressive frame
(j) Heart; Deinterlaced frame (k) Sflowg; Original progressive frame (l) Sflowg; Deinterlaced frame

36 (m) Movi; Original progressive frame
(n) Movi; Deinterlaced frame (o) Disku; Original progressive frame (p) Disku; Deinterlaced frame

37 Motion Detection Results
(a) Grandmom (b) Mom (c) MomDaughter (d) Stennis

38 (e) Heart (f) Sflowg (g) Movi (h) Disku

39 Outline Introduction Background Information & Review of Previous Works
Proposed Motion Detection (MD) Method Proposed Motion Adaptive Deinterlacing Method Evaluation of Algorithm Performance and Comparison with Other Methods Summary and Future Works

40 Performance Evaluation Method

41 Evaluation Criterion Objective Evaluation Criterion: Peak Signal to Noise Ratio Subjective Evaluation Criterion (According to ITU-R BT ): Mean Score & its associated confidence Interval Grade Impairment level 5 4 3 2 1 Imperceptible Perceptible but not annoying Slightly annoying Annoying Very Annoying

42 Objective Evaluation Results




46 Single Frame of Mom Seq. (a) Original progressive frame
(b) Deinterlaced by bilinear field averaging (c) Deinterlaced by GA-HDTV method (b) Deinterlaced by proposed MA method

47 Zoomed on a Moving Region
(a) Original progressive frame (b) Deinterlaced by bilinear field averaging (c) Deinterlaced by GA-HDTV method (b) Deinterlaced by proposed MA method

48 Algorithm Robustness to Frame Rate

49 Evaluation of Proposed Motion Detection


51 Subjective Evaluation Results
25 observers have evaluated the algorithm Non-professional random observers Both male and female Ages 15 to 65 Overall mean score is 4.74 Its 95% confidence interval


53 Outline Introduction: Deinterlacing Problem Statement
Review of Existing Methods Proposed Motion Detection (MD) Method Proposed Motion Adaptive Deinterlacing Method Evaluation of Algorithm Performance and Comparison with Other Methods Summary and Future Works

54 Summary A high accuracy motion detection algorithm was proposed
Has a hierarchical structure Uses 5 consecutive video fields for motion detection Is capable of detecting a wide range of motions from slow to fast motions Provides superior PSNR compared to other mthods and improves deinterlacing overall performance by 18% on average A motion adaptive deinterlacing method was proposed Uses motion possibility values to combine line averaging with Vertical-Temporal median filtering and benefits from both Has high performance and obtain high quality deinterlaced video

55 Recommendations for Future Works
Improvement in deinterlacing Study of human eye frequency response to Changes in video contents Changes in motion speed while tracking an object Improvement in motion adaptive deinterlacing Including video content information Automatic recognition of the type of the video for performance improvement Combining video texture information with motion detection results Combining motion detection results with motion estimation Utilizing a motion compensated method instead of temporal method Hardware Implementation (Architecture, Software/Hardware partitioning)

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