Globally-Focused Futures

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Presentation on theme: "Globally-Focused Futures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Globally-Focused Futures
Tiffany Pierskalla Elizabeth Angerman

2 Introduction & Goals Tiffany Pierskalla, Ohio State University
Elizabeth Angerman, Ohio State University Major Goals Avenues for future international engagement Resources for next steps Italy

3 Fulbright US Student Program

4 Types of Fulbright Awards
Open Study/Research English Teaching Assistant Fulbright-National Geographic Digital Storytelling Fellowship (special) Critical Language Enhancement Award (supplemental) The Fulbright Study/Research Award is the traditional award opportunity where a candidate designs a proposal for a specific country. The English Teaching Assistant (ETA) Programs place Fulbrighters in classrooms abroad to provide assistance to the local English teachers. The Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Fellowship provides opportunities for U.S. citizens to participate in an academic year of overseas travel and storytelling in one, two, or three countries on a globally significant theme. The Critical Language Enhancement Award (CLEA) is a feature of the U.S. Student Fulbright Program, which provides an opportunity for some Fulbright U.S. Student grantees to receive typically from three to six months of intensive language study as an enhancement to their Fulbright grants. Uganda

5 Fulbright: Where to find out more
Program summaries can help you to determine how many awards are available in a particular country. Application Checklists Application Timelines Undergraduates can apply while still pursuing BA/BS Recent graduates can apply up until the October after their graduations.

6 US Department of State

7 Career Paths in the Foreign Service
Consular Officers Economic Officers Management Officers Political Officers Public Diplomacy Officers BETTER MAP

8 US State Department Pathways
Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship Program US State Department Internships Dale Giovengo, Diplomat in Residence Ireland

9 US State Department: Where to Find Out More
Becoming a Foreign Service Officer – Career Brochure Foreign Service Career Quizzes US Department of State Student Internship Program Booklet Russia

10 Peace Corps

11 Peace Corp Volunteer: Sectors
Education Health Youth in Development Community Economic Development Environment Agriculture Greece

12 Peace Corps Volunteer: Benefits
Living Stipend & Re-Entry Stipend Student Loan Deferment Scholarships for Graduate School Career Opportunities France

13 Peace Corps: Where to Find Out More
Connect with a Recruiter Rwanda

14 Teaching English Abroad

15 Ways to Teach English Abroad
TEFL/TESOL Programs through providers (CIEE; NYU Tesol MA) State-sponsored opportunities (JET, EPiK) Institutions abroad (Central European Teaching Program)

16 Teaching Abroad: Where to Find Out More
International TEFL Academy’s Financial Guide to Teaching English Abroad International TEFL Academy’s Country Guide International TEFL Academy’s Webcast on Teaching English Abroad and TEFL Certification International TEFL Academy’s ABC Booklet Australia

17 Graduate School

18 Graduate School Abroad
Growing number of MA and PhD programs offered abroad in English Some are free or comparatively inexpensive Private and government funding available

19 Jobs in International Education

20 Careers International Education
Education Abroad International Students & Scholars Services International Enrollment Management Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship Spain

21 Careers in International Education
Universities Providers Organizations Ireland Argentina

22 Careers in International Education: Where to Find Out More & NAFSA Passport Chronicle for Higher Education Forum on Education Abroad

23 Conclusions

24 Important Take Aways Far more opportunities exist than are listed here
Reach out to your allies in international education Start early! Peru

25 Questions?

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