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Cross Sections SWBAT: Describe the two-dimensional figures that result from slicing three-dimensional figures with a plane.

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Presentation on theme: "Cross Sections SWBAT: Describe the two-dimensional figures that result from slicing three-dimensional figures with a plane."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cross Sections SWBAT: Describe the two-dimensional figures that result from slicing three-dimensional figures with a plane.

2 In a prism, and at times in cylinders the shape is made by stacking several figures on top of each other that are ________________ . If you stacked the same shape as the base, except that it is a little smaller each time until they reached a point at the top, you will create what is known as a______________. These pyramids are named according to the shape of their_________________ When we think of pyramids we think of the Great Pyramids of Egypt. They are actually Square Pyramids, because their base is a Square.  similar pyramid base

3 -A prism has two bases that are congruent to each other.
Prisms: Pyramids: -A prism has two bases that are congruent to each other. - The two bases are parallel to each other. triangular sides (lateral faces) only one base that is either rectangular or triangular. made of shapes similar to the base that get smaller until they come to a point called a vertex/apex.

4 Cross Sections A slice of any 3 dimensional figure withia plane creates a __________ Cross sections are either taken ______________ or ____________ to the base, but they can also be taken at a_____________.    cross section parallel perpendicular diagonal

5 Types of Cross Sections:
If a shape is cut to the base, then the cross section looks just like the base. If a shape is cut to the base, then the cross section looks just like the lateral face. If the shape is cut the cross section looks like a stretched out base. parallel perpendicular diagonally,


7 Parallel Cross Section
Same Shape as the base base base Cross Section Cross Section

8 Perpendicular Cross Section
Same shape as lateral face

9 Cross Sections of a Cylinder:
Parallel cut Perpendicular cut

10 Cross Section of a Rectangular Pyramid

11 Cross Section of a Triangular Prism

12 Cross Section of a Hexagonal/Pentagonal Prism

13 Cross Sections of a Cone

14 Cross Sections of a Sphere

15 Other Cross Sections:

16 Draw the 2-D Cross section for each 3-D Figure
Shape Vertical Cross Section Horizontal Cross Section Diagonal Cross Section

17 Shape Vertical Cross Section Horizontal Cross Section Diagonal Cross Section

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