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Write your homework in your assignment book.

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Presentation on theme: "Write your homework in your assignment book."— Presentation transcript:

1 Write your homework in your assignment book.
Put all your belongings except your pencil on the floor.

2 Warm up Take out the slips of paper from the envelope…
As a group, sequence the invertebrate phyla based upon your knowledge and context clues in the writing.

3 1. What is the simplest invert phylum?
2. What is the most complex invert phylum? 3. What is the most complex form of symmetry? What is the name of the front portion of the crayfish? 5. What is 1 question you still have about inverts?

4 QUIZ 1-14=1 point each 15-21=2 points each 28 points total

5 QUIZ Turn your answer sheet over.
Explain why your answer is wrong for any that you answered incorrectly. Explain how much/how you studied.

6 Warm up What is the difference between an invertebrate and a vertebrate? From our matter unit, what does ectothermic mean? What does endothermic mean?

7 VERTEBRATES All vertebrates belong to the phylum CHORDATA: Tunicates
Lancelets Vertebrates

8 VERTEBRATES All chordates share 4 characteristics: Notochord
Hollow nerve cord Pharyngeal gill pouches Tail

9 Why can we often find fossils of animals that are vertebrates?

10 Vertebrate Family Tree…

11 Vertebrate Animal Book
Your table will make a book about the vertebrates. You will each have a page (amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals). Each animal group will meet to gather research for the page. I will make a sample page for fish. Your grade will be individual, but the pages will be compiled. We will peer review the completed books. Books will be used to complete our notes.

12 Warm up...Compare and Contrast Endotherms & Ectotherms


14 Fish Family Tree… Live in nearly all water environments
Simplest vertebrates Largest group of vertebrates

15 Characteristics: Ectothermic: temp controlled by surroundings
Fins: for moving/steering Scales: cover and protect body Lateral line: row of tiny sense organs along the body; detects vibrations

16 Respiratory System A. Gills a.) exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen from water

17 Circulatory System Closed circulatory system with 2 heart chambers
a.) ATRIUM 1.) Collects blood from body b.) VENTRICLE 1.) Pumps blood to gills then body


19 A. Jawless fish A. Characteristics Skeleton of cartilage
Notochord but no backbone Jawless mouth with no teeth Ex: Lamprey and Hagfish

20 Lamprey



23 Hagfish

24 B. Cartilage fish A. Characteristics Skeleton made of cartilage
Excellent senses-sight and smell Store oil in liver to float Cannot stop swimming or will suffocate! Examples are sharks, skates, and rays

25 Skarks

26 live bearing kite-shaped whip-tail with spike larger Rays

27 egg layers fleshy tails no spikes Skates

28 C. Bony fish A. Characteristics 1.) Skeleton of bone
2.) Swim bladder to float 3.) Three groups a.) Lobed - Heavy jaws and limblike fins b.) Lung - Gills and lungs c.) Ray-finned - Thin bony spines called rays connected by thin skin

29 Lung Fish

30 Ray-finned Fish

31 Creature from the Black Lagoon
Lobed Fish Creature from the Black Lagoon Why are the coelacanth dying? These animals are called “living fossils” by many scientists. Why do you think they have been given this title? Why are “living fossils” important to understand the animal kingdom?

32 Lobed Fish A Living Fossil…
These animals are often called “living fossils”. Why do you think they have been given this title? Be specific and give details. Why are these fish significant? Why are “living fossils” important to understand the animal kingdom?

33 Fish Buoyancy… Look at the 2 balloons.
Describe what you see happening and determine which represents the bony fish and which represents the cartilage fish. Be prepared to explain your conclusion.

34 Text check… Find the 2 questions you wrote down after reading chapter 3 section 1. Turn to your neighbor and discuss these questions. If you know the answers or understand them now, write an explanation. If you are still confused, raise your hand and I will come around and explain.

35 Warm up What are some things that are different between crayfish and regular fish? What are some things dinosaurs and humans have in common?

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