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Statistics Netherlands Division Social and Spatial Statistics

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1 Statistics Netherlands Division Social and Spatial Statistics
Censuses in the Netherlands and the availability of census micro datasets Eric Schulte Nordholt Statistics Netherlands Division Social and Spatial Statistics Presentation in Paris

2 Contents History of the Dutch Census
Introduction Virtual Census of 2001 Combining data sources: micro-linkage Combining sources: micro-integration Preliminary work Harmonisation More information about the Dutch Censuses of 1960, 1971 and 2001 Conclusions

3 History of the Dutch Census
TRADITIONAL CENSUS Ministry of Home Affairs: 1829, 1839, 1849, 1859, 1869, 1879 and 1889 Statistics Netherlands: 1899, 1909, 1920, 1930, 1947, 1960 and 1971 Unwillingness (non-response) and reduction expenses  no more Traditional Censuses ALTERNATIVE: VIRTUAL CENSUS 1981 and 1991: Population Register and surveys development 90’s: more registers → 2001: integrated set of registers and surveys, SSD

4 Introduction Virtual Census of 2001
Why a Census? Statistical information for research and policy purposes What kind of information? Size of (sub)population(s) Demographic and socio-economic characteristics, at national and regional level Gentlemen’s agreement Eurostat: co-ordinator of EU, accession and EFTA countries in the 2001 Census Round Census Table Programme, every 10 years

5 Combining sources: micro-linkage
Linkage key: Registers Social security and Fiscal number (SoFi), unique Surveys Sex, date of birth, address (postal code and house number) Linkage key replaced by RIN-person Linkage strategy Optimizing number of matches Minimizing number of mismatches and missed matches

6 Combining sources: micro-integration
Collecting data from several sources  more comprehensive and coherent information on aspects of person’s life Compare sources coverage conflicting information (reliability of sources) Integration rules - checks adjustments imputations Optimal use of information  quality improves Example: job period vs. benefit period

7 Preliminary work Census Programme definitions: not always clear and unambiguous, e.g. economic activity Priority rules (characteristics of) main job (highest wage) employee or employer job or (partially) unemployed job or attending education job or retired engaged in family duties or retired age restrictions One percent samples for all three years Weighting to population totals Protecting according to rules for public use files

8 Harmonisation (1) For 1960 and 1971 the same variables as for 2001
if not available: constructed based on existing variables in Census data Variables not internationally harmonised (e.g. sex, age, marital status, household position, country of birth, economic status, household size and country of citizenship) same classification and priority rules as for 2001

9 Harmonisation (2) Household size and country of citizenship:
missing for 1960 Religious denomination: only for 1960 and 1971 Place of residence one year prior to the census: only for 2001 International classifications Branch of current economic activity: ISIC / NACE Occupation: ISCO-COM Level of educational attainment: ISCED

10 Harmonisation (3) 1960 1971 2001 Sex X Age Country of citizenship Marital status Household position Religious denomination Country of birth Household size Place of residence one year prior to the census Economic status Level of educational attainment Occupation Branch of current economic activity

11 More information about the Dutch Censuses of 1960, 1971 and 2001
1960: 1971: 2001 tables: 2001 book:

12 Conclusions The Dutch Virtual Census of 2001 was successful Pro’s:
relatively cheap (cost per inhabitant) quick Con’s: publication of small subpopulations sometimes difficult or even impossible because of limited information Micro datasets for three years (1960, 1971 and 2001) available for research!

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