Regulatory, Ethical, and “Green” Issues in Marketing Communications

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Presentation on theme: "Regulatory, Ethical, and “Green” Issues in Marketing Communications"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regulatory, Ethical, and “Green” Issues in Marketing Communications

2 When Is Regulation Justified?
Benefits Consumer choice is improved Product quality tends to improve Reduced prices Costs Enforcement costs Unintended side effects

3 Regulation of Marketing Communications
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) The U.S. government agency that has primary responsibility for regulating matters such as deceptive and unfair business practices and advertising

4 Regulation of Deceptive Advertising
FTC will find a business practice deceptive “if there is a representation, omission or practice that is likely to mislead the consumer acting reasonably in the circumstances, to the consumer’s detriment.”

5 Elements of Deception Misleading Reasonable consumer Material

6 Misleading? Misleading Reasonable consumer Material

7 Federal Regulation Regulation of deceptive advertising
Regulation of unfair practices Information regulation Regulation of product labeling (FDA) Regulation of prescription drug ads (FDA)

8 Information Regulation
Corrective advertising A firm that misleads consumers should have to use future advertisements to rectify any deceptive impressions it has created in consumers’ minds

9 Information Regulation
Corrective advertising Which firm in 1975 was ordered to spend $10 Mill to correct a misleading campaign?

10 Information Regulation
Current Events Which firm in 2005 was ordered by U.S. District Court to halt and remove a misleading claim? What was the claim?

11 Ethical issues in marketing Communications
Ethics in our context involves matters of right and wrong, or moral conduct pertaining to any aspect of marketing communications

12 Enhancing Ethical Behavior
Two core values Treat customers with respect, concern, and honesty Treat the environment as though it were your own property

13 Ethical issues in marketing Communications
See text for ethical issues in: Targeting Advertising Public relations Packaging communications Sales promotions Online marketing communications

14 Criticisms of Advertising
Advertising is untruthful and deceptive Advertising is manipulative Advertising is offensive and in bad taste Advertising creates and perpetuates stereotypes People buy things they do not really need Advertising plays upon people’s fears and insecurities

15 Criticism of Advertising
An Appeal to Insecurity

16 Enhancing Ethical Behavior
The Golden Rule Act in a way that you would want others to act toward you Take only actions that would be viewed as proper by an objective panel of your professional colleagues The Professional Ethics The TV test “Would l feel comfortable explaining this action on television to the general public?”

17 Response to Environmental Problems
Green advertising Packaging response Seal-of-Approval programs Cause-Oriented Programs Point-of-Purchase

18 Green Advertising Relationship between product and environment
Promote a green lifestyle Corporate responsibility

19 Green Advertising Green Advertising Promoting an Image of
Environmental Responsibility

20 Green Advertising Corporate Responsibility

21 Green Advertising Mercedes-Benz Leo Burnett Company, Inc.

22 Response to Environmental Problems
Green advertising Packaging response Seal-of-Approval programs Cause-Oriented Programs Point-of-Purchase

23 Package Response Recyclable bottles Polystyrene to paperboard
Plastic to cardboard Smaller packages

24 Response to Environmental Problems
Green advertising Packaging response Seal-of-Approval programs Cause-Oriented Programs Point-of-Purchase

25 Seal-of-Approval Programs
Designed to assist consumers in identifying environmentally friendly products and brands Green Seal of Approval “Chasing arrows logo”

26 Response to Environmental Problems
Green advertising Packaging response Seal-of-Approval programs Cause-Oriented Programs Point-of-Purchase

27 Cause-Oriented Programs

28 Response to Environmental Problems
Green advertising Packaging response Seal-of-Approval programs Cause-Oriented Programs Point-of-Purchase

29 Point-of-Purchase Programs
Use the point-of-purchase as a vehicle for promoting a brand’s environmental virtues

30 Appropriate Environmental Claims
Make specific claims Reflect current disposal options Make substantive claims Make supportable claims

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