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Eating habits & Rainbow diet Why we should have healthy eating habits?

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Presentation on theme: "Eating habits & Rainbow diet Why we should have healthy eating habits?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eating habits & Rainbow diet Why we should have healthy eating habits?
If you want to be healthy you should have good eating habits. Proper nutrition protects us from infections and helps to be beautiful. It also helps to control weight and not get fat.

2 You will look better and more athletic if you eat food rich in vitamins, minerals your organism will be healthier and more energetic.

3 Facts about fruits, vegetables and their colors.
Red foods get you moving. They give you extra boost, protect you from many illnesses and can keep older people active longer.

4 Apples, tomatoes, watermelons, cherry, strawberry are red foods.

5 Orange foods are brain food. They improve your power of concentration
Orange foods are brain food. They improve your power of concentration. Orange foods contain lots of vitamin C. This vitamin helps your body fight off infections .

6 Orange foods are carrots, apricots, oranges, pumpkins.

7 Yellow foods help us to stay happy. They make us more optimistic
Yellow foods help us to stay happy. They make us more optimistic. If you eat a banana you'll feel better. 

8 Bananas, yellow plums, pineapples, lemons are yellow foods.

9 Green foods help to relax and keep emotions under control
Green foods help to relax and keep emotions under control. They contain vitamins and minerals that keep our teeth and bones strong and healthy.

10 Broccoli, apples, peas, cabbages are green foods.

11 When your tummy starts rumbling the best things are blue foods
When your tummy starts rumbling the best things are blue foods. They are soothing, both emotionally and physically.

12 Blue foods are blueberries, raisins, plums.

13  Purple foods make people more creative. They can keep you looking young. Purple foods rich in vitamin D. They improve our blood, protect eyesight and heart. 

14 Purple foods are plums, purple cabbages, potatoes and aubergines.

15 A way to have healthy eating habits is to follow a rainbow diet, that is, to eat lots of fruit and vegetables in all the colours of the rainbow. 

16 For example, every morning during the week you should eat a few apples and drink orange juice. These foods will give you energy and improve your concentration.

17 For brunch you can eat one or two bananas, they will make you more optimistic.

18 For lunch, I advise you to eat vegetables, such as cabbages, aubergines, peas or broccoli. They will make you more creative and help to relax.

19 Blue and green products are the best food for dinner
Blue and green products are the best food for dinner. For example, a small amount of green fruits and a handful of blueberries or raisins will help to calm down and sleep well all the night.

20 Be healthy!

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