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In Islay High School.

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Presentation on theme: "In Islay High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 in Islay High School

2 What is the Duke of Edinburgh Award?
Voluntary Fun Self discovery Personal Development Challenge Commitment Teamwork Leadership Balanced – develop many areas

3 What do you do?

4 What could you do? Volunteering: Helping people Campaigning
Fundraising Conservation or Working with animals Leadership in a voluntary organisation

5 What could you do? Physical: Sports Fitness Water sports
Outdoor activities

6 What could you do? Skills:

7 What could you do? Skills: Singing Language skills
Website design Lifeskills Collecting Astronomy Cake decorating Dress making Cycle maintenance Snack pimping Learning to drive Growing carnivorous plants!

8 And finally… Expedition: 2 days, 1 night Unsupported Planned by you
Wild country Training – in school, practice expeditions

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