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Presentation on theme: "SALIVARY GLANDS DISEASES"— Presentation transcript:

by: Dr. Saad Al Asiri MD, DLO, KSF, Rhino General Secretary Assistant for Training & Program Accreditation ENT Consultant and Rhinologist






7 Clinical Anatomy Parotid Gland
The largest of all major salivary glands It lies in preauricular region deep to skin & subcutaneous tissues

8 The parotid region contain: Parotid gland Vessels, nerve, lymphatic
Secrete serous type The facial nerve divide the gland into large superficial + small deep lobe The parotid region contain: Parotid gland Vessels, nerve, lymphatic 7/16/2018

9 The stensen duct 1. 5 cm below zygoma, anterior is masseter M
The stensen duct 1.5 cm below zygoma, anterior is masseter M. & pierce buccinator → open intraorally just opposite 2nd upper molar It run with buccal branch of Facial Nerve The parotid facial is surrounding firmly the gland

10 Facial Nerve Emerge from skull "stylomastoid foramen" lies lateral to styloid process Three muscular branch at syloid foramen Styloid M Post auricular M Post belly of digestive M

11 Tragal pointer - junction cartilage, bony
Ex. Meatus Facial Nerve lies 6-8 mm anterior & inferior to tympenomastoid suture line Variation of FN & parotid gland Branches - temporal, zygomatic, buccal, marginal "mandibular" & cervical 7/16/2018

12 Auriculotemporal Nerve
Mandibular → Foramen Oval innervate scalp Carries post ganglion fiber " parasympathetic" from otic ganglion to P. Gland Frey's syndrom "gustatory sweating" Artery Supply & Venous Drainage Superior Temporal A. Transverse F A 

13 Nerve → Vein → Artery Lymphatic drainage Upper deep Cx L N Sublingual salivary gland Minor salivary gland

14 Submandibular Gland It lies in the submandibular triangle
The triangle is formed by Anterior belly of digastric muscle Posterior belly of digastric muscle Inferior margin of mandible Wrap around mylohyoid muscle in C shaped "two lobe Facial Wharton duct 5 cm length

15 Duct & hypoglossal & lingual
Lingual nerve → duct XII nerve Chorda tympani nerve carry parsymphatetic supply There marginal mandibular 7 nerve relation Facial artery is the major artery supply

16 The main function of salivary gland is:
production of saliva Aid in digestion Protect mucosa from desiccation Dental caries Assists in the maintenance of homeostasis

17 The salivary gland secretory unit
Myoepithelial cells Acinar cells Intercalated duct cell Striated duct cell Excretory duct cell

18 Differential Diagnosis "DD" of parotid region mass
Other Tumors Haemangioma, sarcoma, lipoma, metastatic tumors Differential Diagnosis "DD" of parotid region mass Masseter hypertrophy Dental abscess

19 Parapharyngeal space tumor Infra temporal fossa
Intraparotid lession "V, N, A, LN, fat" Metabolic disease Drug induced 7/16/2018

20 Parotitis Acute bacterial parotitis
Common in elderly, dehydrated patient Dry mouth is predisposing factor Staph Auries > other organism C/F symptoms & signs W/ UP Rx AB antistaph + hydration 

21 Viral Parotitis Children > adults Incubation period 2-3 weeks
Infection persist 10 days post Rx G/F unilateral swelling > than others

22 Complication: Orchitis, ophritis Pancreatitis mild Meningitis
Unilateral SNHL Dx is clinically Serum & urine amylase is high Serology 1gG 1gM Rx - supportive, hydration, analgesia, prevention, MMR vaccine

23 Chronic " recurrent sialadenitis"
Parotid & submandibular secretion Less secretion Recurrent infection Sialectasis + stone formation C/F Rx w/up - lab Salivary flow rate Role of radiology

24 Sjogren's Syndrome Rx - supportive Primary "dry mouth , eye"
Conservative Surgery rarely when. Sjogren's Syndrome Primary "dry mouth , eye" Secondary RA C/F

25 Salivary Gland Tumors % of benign tumors of parotid gland are pleomorphic adenoma Warthin tumor benign Oncocytoma Vascular lymphatic malformation

26 Symptoms of Benign Tumor
Painless slow growing When it become painful → malignancy or hemorrhage When present with LN enlargement or nerve palsy

27 Common malignancies Adenoid cystic CA Mucoepidermoid CA Sg cell CA Acinous cell CA Adeno carcinoma Malignant mixed tumor

28 Investigation Management: CT, MRI FNA Biopsy TNM staging
Surgery - superficial parotidectomy Total Submandibular excision Neck dissection

29 Complication of Surgery
Frey's syndrome Nerve damage Salivary fistula Predisposing factor to salivary malignancy Recurrent infection Radiation exposure

30 7/16/2018


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