Relational Benefits and Costs in Social Media Brand Pages

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1 Relational Benefits and Costs in Social Media Brand Pages
Georgios Tsimonis Phd Student Athens University of Economics and Business Department of Marketing & Communication Athens, Greece Sergios Dimitriadis Associate Professor Athens University of Economics and Business Department of Marketing & Communication Athens, Greece

2 The Idea Literature & Study 1 Research Questions
Long term customer-brand relationships Competitive advantage Profitability How can a brand build and maintain an effective relationship? Most promising conceptual approach: Relational Benefits & Relational Costs Literature & Study 1 Social Media are a powerful tool for brand-consumer relationship building (Borle et., 2012; Dholakia and Durham, 2010; Jahn & Kunz, 2012) Brands use popular Social Media to create & enhance relationships with consumers Research Questions How can a brand build and maintain an effective relationship in the context of Social Media? What Relational Benefits & Costs customers perceive in Social Media Brand Pages?

3 Relational Benefits & Costs
What customers expect and perceive from a relationship with a firm has been measured as relational benefits. (Bendapudi and Berry, 1997; Gwinner et al., 1998; Hennig-Thurau et al., 2002, 2005; Reynolds and Beatty, 1999). Gwinner et al. (1998): Several authors have confirmed these benefits or proposed the existence of new ones in online virtual communities, brand communities or e-business environments Social benefits, Special treatment benefits, Confidence benefits Most of the studies examine benefits as expectations and motives/factors for participation in communities. Relational Costs… Customers’ sacrifices both monetary and non-monetary (psychological) arising from the maintenance of a relationship with a firm. (Bendapudi and Berry, 1997; Grönroos, 1997, 2000; Jones et al., 2007; Morgan and Hunt, 1994) Switching Costs Difficulty of use Privacy Cost Termination Costs Time & monetary Costs

4 The Social Media Phenomenon
Increased used from Internet users… Facebook Twitter Instagram Brands are utilizing Social Media… Facebook Brand Pages Twitter Accounts YouTube Channels Interact with consumers Build relationships Engagement

5 Originality & Objectives
To the best of our knowledge… Lack of studies to simultaneously examine perceived relational benefits and costs in the context of social media. The objectives are… Examine Facebook & Twitter Brand Pages use from brands’ fans & followers, and discover Perceived Benefits Perceived Costs

6 Methodology Qualitative Study Population of the Study Sample
Social Media users who use both Facebook & Twitter > 2 years, Follow at least 10 popular brands in Facebook & Twitter (Socialbakers, 2013) > 1 year, Recruitment– Research company “Focus Bari” Sample 4 focus groups 32 participants Ages 18-24, 25-31, and 39-45 4 women, 4 men in each group

7 The Study Interview guide – Open-ended questions
Use of SM and Brand Pages Perceived Benefits-pleasant experiences Perceived Costs- unpleasant/annoying experiences Pilot test – Readjustment of some questions’ expressions September 2013 4 groups, 90’ duration each Video & audio recording. Transcript & data procession Answers were grouped according to literature definitions An open-ended question is designed to encourage a full, meaningful answer using the subject's own knowledge and/or feelings

8 Results Perceived Benefits Social Benefits Information Benefits
Time & Effort Benefits Economic Benefits Special Treatment Benefits

9 Results Perceived Costs (Information) Overload
Annoyance (Ad Intrusiveness/Post Intrusiveness) (Loss of) Privacy

10 Conclusion & Implications
Adjust Social Media Strategy +Relational Benefits Interact & Communicate with fans Encourage customer-customer communication Provide Useful content Contests, Gifts, Discounts, Free Coupons Personalized service and communication -Relational Costs Avoid too many posts Avoid advertisements or promotional content Clear policies about personal data handling

11 Limitations & Further Research
Exploratory Study Preliminary Data Results cannot be generalized on all Social Media platforms Extension on more Social Media Twitter-Facebook have different characteristics as platforms and different audiences as users Quantitative examination - effect on behavioral intentions - Different user segments according to different participation motives and page characteristics that value most Continuous monitoring – Longitudinal study - Social Media are a rapidly changing environment – New changes & added features Mobile Technologies

12 Georgios Tsimonis

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