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Date: March 20th, Happy Spring!

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1 Date: March 20th, 2017- Happy Spring!
Aim # 59: How does an embryo develop inside the uterus? HW: Daily Review of class notes. Test Corrections due Tuesday (must get signed!!) Castle Learning due Wednesday Test on Human Reproduction Thursday Do Now: What controls the reproductive cycles in males and females? What is this mechanism called?

2 Aim #59: How does an embryo develop inside the uterus?

3 1) How long are humans pregnant?
Females are pregnant for nine months or 38 weeks During this time, the mother and baby undergo many changes.

4 2) Embryonic Development:
Fertilization Mitosis + Sperm Egg Zygote Embryo- the stage in human development from the first division of the zygote until about nine weeks after fertilization.

5 3) Embryo vs. Fetus Fetus Embryo (8 weeks-Birth)
(Fertilization-8 weeks) Once the embryo becomes a fetus, all the major organs have begun to form.

6 Cleavage The term used to describe the early cell division associated with embryonic development. During this time period, the number of cells increase tremendously.

7 The result of cleavage is an embryo that is …..
Morula A solid ball of cells which moves towards the uterus

8 Mitosis continues & the embryo becomes……
Blastocyst A hollow ball of cells

9 4) What happens after fertilization?
The embryo travels to the uterus and implants itself in the uterus lining

10 5) Where does the embryo develop?
In the uterus - womb Surrounded by an amniotic sac & fluid for protection from shock

11 6) EARLY DEVELOPMENT Cleavage occurs by mitosis 4 days the embryo = 50 cells 6-7 days = 100 cells and attaches to the uterine wall (IMPLANTATION)

12 Cell division continues & the embryo starts to ….
Gastrula Fold inwardly

13 Gastrulation Three layers
Each layer will eventually form the different organ systems

Due to gene expression, cells undergo cellular differentiation, in which the cells become increasingly specialized in structure & function.

15 8) What does a developing embryo need?
1. Nutrients for ATP & to build its own body parts 2. Oxygen for ATP

16 9) Embryonic Waste Products
1. Metabolic waste (from cells) 2. Carbon Dioxide

17 a) Umbilical Cord The umbilical cord is responsible for carrying nutrients and oxygen to the developing fetus, and waste away.

18 b) Placenta The placenta is the organ that allows for the exchange of
nutrients and wastes

19 11) Fetal Blood Supply The blood from the baby and the embryo NEVER mix. Materials diffuse between the mother’s blood & the babies blood.

20 12) Why is the fetus floating in a fluid?
The fetus is surrounded by amniotic fluid and it helps absorb shock

21 STRUCTURES BY 3rd WEEK Placenta Nervous and endocrine system (starting) Vital organs forming Heart is beating

22 FIRST TRIMESTER Most major organs formed Umbilical cord formed Muscular system developed Reflexes Amnion formed

23 SECOND TRIMESTER Tissues become specialized Skeleton forms Strong fetal heartbeat At ~6 months the baby can live outside the mom with life support

24 3rd Trimester Fetus doubles in size Lungs are forming Sleeps 90-95% of the time Dreams Premature if born before 8 months

25 13) What happens at around 9 months?
The fetus has developed all its organs and is ready to live in the outside world The uterine muscles begin to contract and the baby is forced out of the mother. This process is called: Labor

26 14) Prenatal care Good nutrition Moderate exercise No smoking
No drugs, prescription or illegal No alcohol

27 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
Consuming alcohol during development can cause FAS which has disastrous affects on the CNS.

28 15) What trimester is the most dangerous?
The first trimester, because all the organs are forming at this time. Dangerous chemicals can affect cell division.

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