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World War One: “The War to End All Wars!”

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1 World War One: “The War to End All Wars!”

2 Smart Start: What were the 4 Main causes to WWI?
What was the “spark” that ignited the war to begin? Why could they (Europe) finally now go to war?

3 Road to War: Militarism Alliances Nationalism Imperialism
By Europe had complete domination over specific areas of the world. Now, tensions rose more because of the unbalance in power!

4 “ The Spark” Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated August of 1914 (Heir to the Austria-Hungary Throne) Group responsible-Black Hand (Young men angry at Austria-Hungary Empire) Poor treatment and way of life-Wanted change!! What does the Archduke’s death give to Europe? What happens next?


6 Why is WWI seen as the 1st modern day war? (Themes of History)
1.Science and Technology Advances in weaponry = mass devastation

2.Economics War = desperate for resources; convert industry to weapon making Governments controlled production Thousands of unemployed put to work Total War=EVERYTHING GOES TO AND FOR THE WAR EFFORT

8 3.Power and Authority Competition for greater power Intense feelings of superiority Build-up of large armies

9 4. Revolution Changes to European society (science, governments, economies, etc.) Changes to the way people viewed who they were, who is to rule, the individual, etc. Changes to the way people were living

10 What do the Countries of Europe do to go to war?
Get together with their teams of Alliances Triple Alliance – Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy B.Triple Entente - Russia, France and Britain Russia and France ally with one another (a fight with either would mean a 2 front war for Germany)


12 ITALY: Reliable and confused ally
Italy first joined the war on the side of the Triple Alliance, but then in 1915 switched sides to the Triple Entente. Reasons: Saw the power of the Triple Entente Not satisfied with own alliance (not seen as powerful or helpful)

13 So Who goes to war with who and Why? READY…….
Russia defended Serbia against Austria-Hungary Germany wanted to challenge Britain as an industrial leader Germany supported Austria-Hungary and then declared war on Russia’s ally, France Great Britain, France’s ally declared war on Germany The Balkans; Serbs vs. Slavs, end of the Ottoman Empire = rise in nationalism in the region, many want independent nations, Russia and Austria-Hungary both wanted the Balkans* Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia & Herzegovina = Serbia and Russia vs. Austria-Hungary (& Germany) Archduke of Austria-Hungary and his wife assassinated by a Serb (= reason to be aggressive) POW!!!!!! YOU GOT WAR!!!!!


15 Leaders: Britain=David Lloyd George (Prime Minister)
French Statesmen=George Clemenceau Russia= Czar Nicholas II Germany= Kaiser Wilhelm II Austria-Hungary= Leader was assassinated United States=Woodrow Wilson


17 What does Kaiser Wilhelm II mean by this quote?
Quote: “Till the world comes to an end the ultimate decision will rest with the sword.” Kaiser Wilhelm II What does Kaiser Wilhelm II mean by this quote? How does it lay the foundation for what World War One will bring?

18 Homework for Tomorrow:
Read Chapter 16: Section 2 (Only pages ) Take notes on each section using PAUSE AND REFLECT_______ After each section write the main point How does it connect to the topic of WWI Details and Support (information) Questions you may have (Need at least one)

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