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Enviromental Project: ¨Enviromental investigation of Garnsee¨

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1 Enviromental Project: ¨Enviromental investigation of Garnsee¨
Authors : Agenda Description: Picture 1: Garnsee overview II. Sampling Picture 2 and 3: Sample adquisition from water and soil. III. Analysis Methodology In order to determine the presence of the before-mentioned elements both in the water and soil, different equipment and analysis methods were carried out in different laboratories. Water Analysis Equipment: Tests: Dissolved Oxygen: Depletion of Oxygen: (Ammonium) and (Nitrate) tests. Phosphate measurement. Soil Analysis Sludge Microwave. ICP-OES The figures 4 and 5 show the data in something programs such as Google Earth or HumViwer. IV. Results . University of Applied Science Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal, Department of Water and Waste Management and Hydrochemistry. Breitscheidstraße 2, D Magdeburg; Tel. +49 (0) ,

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