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Japan Geography Warm Up

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1 Japan Geography Warm Up
In your notebook, define the word “archipelago” in your own words. Create a T-chart under the definition. One side should be labeled “Is” and the other side labeled “Is Not”

2 Guided practice Look at the map of Japan on pg. 479 and 483.
LEFT: Choose which city you think is most important to Japan and write why. RIGHT: Choose which landform you think is most important to Japan and write why.

3 Map of japan Title your map “Japan”
Using pg. 479 & 483, add the following things to your map: Honshu Hokkaido Mt. Fuji Tokyo Sea of Japan Ryukyu Islands

4 Independent Practice READ about Japan’s population density on pg. 484
Answer the following questions: Why is the population density of Japan so high? How does it affect the people who live in Japan? Can you relate to this?

5 video kmM&feature=fvst
Read the article and attach in your notebook. Using the article and graph paper on the back of your map, create a bar graph outlining the world’s largest earthquakes.

6 Japan Test Questions 1 What is the Ring of Fire?
Describe Japan’s population density. How would this population density affect the quality of life in certain regions of Japan? Japan is a chain of islands. What is this called?

7 Guided Practice READ pgs 487-490.
Fill in the timeline and hierarchy of Japan’s samurai warriors on your worksheet. There is extra credit on Edmodo… code l8vtwn cfm?guidAssetId= DDA-974A F&blnFromSearch=1&productcod e=US

8 Independent Practice READ pgs Then answer the following questions in your notebook. What type of ruler has Japan had for centuries? What was the Heian period named for? What was a Shogun? What clan formed the first shogunate? Who restored order to Japan in 1600?

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