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TOPIC: Evolution AIM: What evidence supports the theory of evolution?

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Presentation on theme: "TOPIC: Evolution AIM: What evidence supports the theory of evolution?"— Presentation transcript:

1 TOPIC: Evolution AIM: What evidence supports the theory of evolution?

2 TOPIC: Evolution AIM: What evidence supports the theory of evolution? DO NOW: What are fossils? Where do we find them?

Named Nephila jurassica, this 165-million-year-old fossil is 2.5 cm in length and has a leg span of almost 9 cm. It is currently the largest known fossilized spider, and is from the family known as Nephilidae, the largest web-weaving spiders alive today.

4 LARGEST ROACH FOSSIL: Largest-ever complete fossil of a cockroach, one that lived 300 million years ago, 55 million years before the first dinosaurs. Among features visible in the 3.5-inch long cockroach are veins in the insect's wings, and fine bumps covering the wing surface. The roach's legs and antennae, folded around its body, are also evident, as well as mouth parts.

5 Change of an organism through time
Evolution Change of an organism through time


7 Earth= 4.5 billion years old
Geologic Time Scale History of life Earth= 4.5 billion years old



10 Evidence for Evolution 1. Fossils trace or remains of an organism

11 Bones

12 Imprint = impression in mud  hardens into rock

13 Mold = shape preserved in rock as hollow form

14 Cast = mold filled with minerals and hardens


16 Petrifaction = remains turn to stone

17 a. Homologous structures =
2. Anatomical Evidence Similarities in structure a. Homologous structures = Parts of different organisms have similar structures, but used for different functions


19 3. Embryological Evidence =
Similarities in early embryos suggest they all came from a common ancestor

20 FISH REPTILE BIRD (chicken) MAMMAL (human)

21 4. Biochemical similarities =
Similar DNA, proteins (hormones, enzymes…) Suggest common ancestry

22 Where are fossils found? Layers of sedimentary rock
Law of Superposition = older fossils/rocks in lower layers, younger ones in upper layers

23 youngest oldest

24 youngest oldest

25 Fossil Record Record of organisms that lived in past
Incomplete (gaps), bc not all turn into fossils


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