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Battleship Directions

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2 Battleship Directions
Face your partner Place your divider between your game boards Have the Chromebook off to the side ready to go Once you start playing, do NOT let your opponent see your board

3 Battleship Directions
Each person will hide their 5 battleships in their HIDDEN Ocean Grid by plotting them on your graph All ships must be either horizontal or vertical Ships may not overlap Draw a rectangle around the correct number of points for each battleship

4 Get your Battleships in place
Keep this board HIDDEN from the other team!

5 ATTACKERS & DEFENDERS People will take turns being the ATTACKER and the DEFENDER After answering the Unit 6 question correctly, the ATTACKER will select a place to attack by giving an ordered pair of numbers to the DEFENDER The DEFENDERS will find the coordinate on their HIDDEN Ocean Grid The DEFENDER will say if the attack was a HIT (ATTACKERS fill in the circle with a red X) or a MISS (ATTACKERS fill in the circle with a blue X) If the ATTACKER does hit a battleship, the DEFENDER will mark it on his or her board with a red dot. Players will then switch roles

6 Winning Battleship If the ATTACKERS sink one of your battleships, you must tell them. Otherwise you will LOSE one turn. To WIN the game you must sink all of the other team’s battleships before they sink all of yours

7 Keep this board HIDDEN from the other team!
Attacker: Do you have any ships on B1? Marco, Polo MISS! Keep this board HIDDEN from the other team!

8 Keep this board HIDDEN from the other team!
Attacker: Do you have any ships on A1? Marco, Polo HIT! Keep this board HIDDEN from the other team!

9 Keep this board HIDDEN from the other team!
Defense! Defense! Keep this board HIDDEN from the other team!

10 Bombs Away

11 The consumer has a desire to own something and has the ability to pay for it, he or she creates a …


13 The Demand for lightbulbs would ________ if the price of lamps decreased because lightbulbs and lamps are ____________ goods.

14 Increase; complementary

15 The law of _____ states that when a good’s price is lower, people will buy more of the good


17 The Law of _______ states that businesses will create more products when they can sell them at a higher price.


19 In which market would individuals buy goods and services?

20 Product market

21 If suppliers cannot meet the demand, would a surplus or shortage be created?

22 shortage

23 The exchange of money from businesses to households in the form of income and products is called…

24 Circular flow

25 Are bonds high risk or low risk? Are they high return or low return?

26 Low risk, low return

27 Are Coke and Pepsi compliments or substitutes?

28 Substitutes

29 Why are savings accounts good investments?

30 You make money on your investment (interest)

31 How are stock prices determined?

32 Supply and Demand

33 If the rubber used in shoes increased in price, what would the shift be?

34 Decrease in Supply

35 In the US, prices are usually established by both __________ and __________.

36 Supply and demand

37 There are 4 cell phone companies the own 89% of the market
There are 4 cell phone companies the own 89% of the market. What type of competition is described?

38 Oligopoly

39 Would the supply curve or demand curve shift if the government provided subsidies to farmers?

40 supply

41 In the circular flow model, who sells labor to businesses and pays taxes to the government?

42 Households

43 Money needed to start and operate a business

44 Financial capital

45 Profits paid to stockholders

46 Dividends

47 If you only purchase one brand of fast food, even though there are numerous similar brands and similar price points to choose from, what type of competition are you demonstrating?

48 Pure competition

49 Are hot dogs and buns compliments or substitutes
Are hot dogs and buns compliments or substitutes? If hot dogs increase in price, what will happen to the demand for buns?

50 Compliments; decrease

51 A new baby boom would increase the __________ for diapers.

52 demand

53 The government provides money to small businesses to aid their production of goods and services is an example of a

54 Subsidy

55 This type of investment is a mixture of stocks and bonds handled by a broker.

56 Mutual Fund

57 If the price is too high, would a surplus or shortage be created?

58 surplus

59 If the price is too low, would a surplus or shortage be created?

60 shortage

61 If the crop of apples were hit by a freeze, what would the shift be
If the crop of apples were hit by a freeze, what would the shift be? What would happen to the price?

62 Decrease in Supply; increase in price

63 If robots were to make car assembly faster and cheaper, what would the shift be?

64 Increase in Supply

65 What do households and businesses both give to the government in circular flow?

66 Taxes

67 Which market can be described as where the businesses buy the factors of production from the households?

68 Factor market

69 Which market can be described as where the households buy finished goods and services from the businesses?

70 Product market

71 What does the government give to households in return for their taxes
What does the government give to households in return for their taxes? (2 things)

72 Entitlements and Services

73 What does the government give to businesses in return for their taxes
What does the government give to businesses in return for their taxes? (2 things)

74 Regulations and subsidies

75 What is the shift?

76 Demand decrease

77 What is the shift?

78 Supply increase

79 What is the shift?

80 Demand increase

81 What is the shift?

82 Supply decrease

83 What does the B in Biter stand for?

84 Buyers (number of)

85 What does the I in Biter stand for?

86 Income

87 What does the T in Biter stand for?

88 tastes

89 What does the E in Biter stand for?

90 Expectations

91 What does the R in Biter stand for?

92 Related goods (Complements and substitutes)

93 What does the S in Stoner stand for?

94 Subsidies and taxes

95 What does the T in Stoner stand for?

96 Technology

97 What does the O in Stoner stand for?

98 Other goods

99 What does the N in Stoner stand for?

100 Number of sellers

101 What does the E in Stoner stand for?

102 Expectations

103 What does the R in Stoner stand for?

104 Resources

105 Since there are 2 major brands of cereals that are sold at different price points, what type of competition is there?

106 Monopolistic

107 The farmer’s market, since there are numerous competitors at similar prices is which type of competition?

108 Perfect/pure

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