GS 221 Work and Society Dr. Haydar Badawi Saidg.

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Presentation on theme: "GS 221 Work and Society Dr. Haydar Badawi Saidg."— Presentation transcript:

1 GS 221 Work and Society Dr. Haydar Badawi Saidg

2 Part 2 Evolution of Work

3 Evolution of work 1 Hunting and gathering society (primitive society)
Matrilineal society (food: fruits) Patriarchy society (food: meats) Work in group Gendered division of labor Primitive communism

4 Evolution of work 2 Early agricultural society
First surplus (warrior and priest) Plunder and warfare Birth of specialization

5 Evolution of work 3 Slavery (Imperial) society Slavery and free labor
The end of classical civilization

6 Evolution of work 4 Feudal society Farming Artisans and guilds
Economic expansions

7 Evolution of work 5 Merchant capitalism
The merchants as labor contractor 耐克 富士康与苹果 Guild resistance to merchant capitalism

8 Evolution of work 6 Industrial capitalism
Replacing agriculture with factory The factory system The centrality of textiles Detailed division of labor Women and children employed



11 Evolution of work 7 Monopoly capitalism Centralized factories
Mass production A more complex class structure

12 Evolution of work 8 Post-industrial society Service industry
Professional job Class diversity Women’s liberation Racial and ethnic diversity Globalization


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