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Comparative Vertebrate Physiology

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Presentation on theme: "Comparative Vertebrate Physiology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparative Vertebrate Physiology
Muscle physiology

2 Characteristics Muscles only shorten Work as antagonists
Convert chemical into mechanical energy

3 Types Striated Non-straited skeletal cardiac smooth skeletal, cardiac

4 Muscle types Differences in muscle types
Innervation - somatic or autonomic Refractory periods - long and short Control - ANS or SNS

5 Skeletal muscle % body mass Structural layers

6 Muscle cell (fiber) Sarcolemma Sarcoplasm Myofibrils glycogen
myoglobin Myofibrils sacromeres

7 Sarcoplasm Sarcoplasmic reticulum (Stores and release Ca++)
T tubule (AP conduction) Triad (SR + T tubule)

8 Myofibril

9 Muscle contraction

10 Myosin protein Head and tail Head binds to actin

11 Actin protein Tropomyosin Troponin affinities
attached to binding sites Troponin affinities Ca++ tropomyosin actin

12 Excitation contraction coupling

13 Sliding filament theory
Cross bridge attachment Power stroke Cross bridge detachment

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