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2016 Summer Institute Wednesday, August 17 2:15pm - 3:45pm

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Presentation on theme: "2016 Summer Institute Wednesday, August 17 2:15pm - 3:45pm"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Partnership that Works: Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and Adult Basic Education
2016 Summer Institute Wednesday, August 17 2:15pm - 3:45pm Presenters: Pakou Yang and Julie Dincau Thielman (Holds 32)

2 Warm-Up Activity Please work in pairs or small groups to identify 5 perceptions Adult Learners have about attending postsecondary institutions. If time allows, identify 5 perceptions postsecondary institutions have about Adult Basic Education.

3 Minnesota State A Quick Overview

4 Minnesota State 5th largest system of postsecondary institutions
31 institutions on 54 campuses Over 400,000 students Serves more than 60% of all Minnesotans


6 Why Minnesota State for ABE Learners?
Two-year technical and community colleges offer an array of certificates that do not take four years to acquire. Open admissions policy Transferable credits Strong Connection to the labor market Affordable

7 Minnesota State Course Placement
Possible Future Changes

8 Assessment for Course Placement
Board Policy 3.3 and System Procedure Assessment for Course Placement Policy System-endorsed placement instrument: Accuplacer Scores for college-level reading, writing, and mathematics Exemptions: validation period, college-ready ACT scores, other assessments, prior postsecondary Assessment for Course Placement Committee (ACPC)

9 Assessment for Course Placement: This past 2015-2016 year
Multiple Measures Validity Studies to Confirm Student Success Faculty Perceptions and Activities for Course Placement Testing & Retesting Campus Policies and Practices Encourage pilot studies that examine the effect of using a variety of placement measures; present data and results at ACPC to help shape future system-wide efforts in course placement

10 Assessment for Course Placement: Upcoming 2016-2017
Explore multiple measures and non-cognitive assessments Refine testing & retesting procedures and practices Course Placement for Success Summit: Collaboration between Dev. Ed. and Placement Testing

11 Developmental Education Workgroup
Increase of student success in developmental education and success into college-level courses Transferability of developmental education courses and course sequences Innovations to support student success in developmental education

12 Developmental Education Informational Interview Executive Summary
The results are in!

13 Executive Summary

14 Executive Summary (Cont’d)

15 Executive Summary (Cont’d)

16 Executive Summary (Cont’d)

17 Executive Summary (Cont’d)

18 Executive Summary (Cont’d)

19 2014 ABE/Minnesota State Classes
What type of ABE on-going services/classes do you offer at this Minnesota State co-location site? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count College Preparation 67.4% 29 ACCUPLACER Prep 60.5% 26 Reading 72.1% 31 Math 74.4% 32 ESL 39.5% 17 GED Testing 34.9% 15 Integrated classes (ABE and College Classes) 46.5% 20 Writing 62.8% 27 Lifeskills Other (please specify) 19

20 Updates Miscellaneous Topics

21 Ability-to-Benefit (2016 Change)
Public Law amended the definition of an eligible career pathway program for purposes of Title IV aid eligibility under section 484(d)(2) of the HEA to align with the definition of career pathway in section 3 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) (29 U.S.C. 3102(7)).

22 Ability-to-Benefit (Cont’d)
 Effective July 1, 2015, students without a high school diploma or its equivalent may be eligible for federal financial aid via the Department of Education-approved exams or the six college credit option, but only if students are enrolled in an “eligible career pathway program.” Within Minnesota State, System Procedure 3.4.1, Subpart E articulates that the approved ATB exam is the Accuplacer. The approved passing scores on the Accuplacer are as follows: Reading Comprehension (55), Sentence Skills (60), and Arithmetic (34). A student must attain passing scores on all three tests in order to be admitted under the provision in Board Procedure 3.4, Part 3.

23 GED® College Ready + Credit
Performance Level 4: GED® College Ready+Credit (Scaled Scores ). Recommendation: A student who scores in the range of Scaled Score points in any given content area of the test has demonstrated skills reflective of the appropriate content, scope, and rigor for college credit recommendations. Students can be waived from all developmental education requirements or courses at their post-secondary institution upon entry.

24 Credit for Prior Learning
Types of CPL: AP, IB, CLEP examinations Other national standardized exams, such as NOCTI, TECEP, NYUFLP, DSST, DANTES Portfolio review Credit by exam/course specific exams Currently revising Board Policy and System Procedure

25 Articulation Agreements
Local agreement between a high school and a postsecondary institution (or consortium of institutions) Students successfully completes a pre-agreed to curriculum and after admission to that particular institution(s), the successful completion is recognized through full or partial course credits, course waivers, or other

26 Thank you for attending!
Pakou Yang Julie Dincau System Director of P-20 and College Readiness Academic and Student Affairs Minnesota State 30 East 7th Street, St. Paul, MN o: | Adult Basic Education Transitions Specialist Office of Career and College Success Minnesota Department of Education 1500 Highway 36 West Roseville, MN :

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