The TSO function (Territorial Safety Officer)

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2 The TSO function (Territorial Safety Officer)
Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial The TSO function (Territorial Safety Officer) Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial The TSO function

3 What does the rule say ? General Safety Instruction GSI-SO-2 “Territorial Safety Officer” 4 pages, of which 1 ½ of real concern to you Appointment, reporting lines Means Mission et extent of activities Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial The TSO function

4 Let’s start at the beginning
Appointment: The TSO shall be appointed by his Department Head, in consultation with the DSO, from among employed Members of the Personnel of his Department […]. The TSO shall have a deputy who shall meet the same conditions as the TSO. The TSO shall be appointed for a period defined in his appointment letter. Each appointment shall be made in writing. Authority and Reporting The TSO shall act on behalf of and report to the DSO of his Department Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial The TSO function

5 In Large Experiments: For the experimental areas of a Large Experiment, the Technical Coordinator shall appoint a TSO from among Members of the Personnel participating in the Large Experiment in consultation with the LEXGLIMOS and the Department Head of the TSO or, if the TSO is an associated Member of the Personnel, in consultation with his home institution. The TSO shall act on behalf of and report to the LEXGLIMOS of the Large Experiment Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial The TSO function

6 What qualifications and means ?
The TSO shall be knowledgeable in matters of Safety concerning the buildings and premises under his responsibility and shall have successfully completed the required Safety training, if any Means The TSO shall be given the necessary authority and means, including training, information and resources, to fulfil his obligations Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial The TSO function

7 Mission (1): Information
keep himself and the DSO or the LEXGLIMOS concerned informed regarding all aspects of Safety related to the buildings and premises concerned; keep all those concerned informed regarding all aspects of Safety related to the buildings and premises concerned and affecting equipment or activities hosted therein ; Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial The TSO function

8 Mission (2): Proposal and Assistance
propose and monitor the implementation of appropriate measures to ensure the compliance of the buildings and premises concerned with the CERN Safety Rules and best practices; support the DSO or the LEXGLIMOS with a view to the implementation of the CERN Safety Objectives related to the buildings and premises concerned Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial The TSO function

9 Mission (3): Contribution
contribute to the establishment and updating of Safety Files for the buildings and premises concerned, as required; contribute to the improvement of Safety in the buildings and premises concerned Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial The TSO function

10 Mission (4): Participation
participate in and monitor the follow-up of the general Safety inspections for the buildings and premises concerned; actively participate in the Safety exercises in accordance with the applicable CERN Safety Rules; Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial The TSO function

11 Mission (5): Collaboration
collaborate with those responsible for equipment and activities in the buildings and premises concerned; collaborate with the other Safety Officers and Safety Support Officers, as well as with the HSE Unit, the Medical Service and the Fire and Rescue Service, as required . Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial The TSO function

12 Mission (6): Autres tâches
execute any other Safety tasks as may be assigned to him by his Department Head or the Technical Coordinator concerned or a CERN Safety Rule; Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial The TSO function

13 Résumé des missions: Information Proposal and assistance Contribution
Participation Collaboration Other tasks … in relation with Safety of the building entrusted to the TSO Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial The TSO function

14 Which personal qualities for a TSO ?
Knowledge Analytical mind Discernment Being a good example in matters of Safety Good communication skills Initiative Motivation Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial The TSO function

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