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Journal How would you like to live in society where everyone made the same amount of money, healthcare and education were free, but you couldn’t own anything.

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Presentation on theme: "Journal How would you like to live in society where everyone made the same amount of money, healthcare and education were free, but you couldn’t own anything."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal How would you like to live in society where everyone made the same amount of money, healthcare and education were free, but you couldn’t own anything individually? Would this be a better society? Why or why not?



4 Marx’s Famous Book: The Communist Manifesto


6 One of the most influential thinkers of all time.

7 During the Industrial Revolution, Marx saw the growing concentration of wealth in the hands of the few

8 And the crushing of small producers by the big ones

9 Marx Wanted the Means of Production Owned By All of the People

10 Marx said that the capitalistic system was based on the exploitation of labor


12 And the increasing use of machinery displacing more workers

13 He saw the “Misery of the Masses”

14 The class that rules economically, that owns the means of production also rules politically.
*Political power = organized power of one group to oppress another.

15 Economic Theory of Karl Marx
1. History is shaped by the way that goods are produced and distributed. (economics) 2. A class struggle exists between the “haves” and the “have-nots.” In modern industrial society the middle class capitalists exploit the wage-earning laborers. 3. The class that holds the economic power also controls the government for its own advantage.

16 Marx’s Economic Theory
4. The middle class begins to shrink as shopkeepers and owners of small businesses are ruined by competition with powerful capitalists. The working class grows larger until society is composed of a few rich people and the laboring masses.

17 5. Made desperate by their poverty, workers seize control of the government and means of production, destroying the capitalistic system and the ruling class. Through violent revolution the workers create a “dictatorship of the proletariat.” 6. Under the new Communist system, property and the means of production are owned by the people, and all goods and services are shared equally.

18 Capitalism Communism Private ownership
Freedom of competition Results in unequal economic classes Government policies support and encourage business (“laissez-faire”) No private property, it No competition No profit motive Classless society No government needed

19 With the destruction of capitalism, the class struggle ends, a “classless society” emerges and the state withers away.

20 Quiz #7 1.) Which of the following scientist discovered microorganisms? a. Charles Darwin b. Galileo c. Louis Pasteur e. Albert Einstein 2.) The man that developed the concept of Communism was: a. Karl Marx b. Sigmund Freud c. John Lock d. Charles Darwin 3.) The creator of the “Theory of Evolution” was: a. Albert Einstein b. Charles Darwin c. Issac Newton d. Karl Marx 4.) The concept that only the strongest survive and thus progress a species is referred to as: a. Theory of Relativity b. Natural Selection c. Communism d. Capitalism 5.) According to Karl Marx Capitalism is the best the form of economics in the world True/False 6.) Explain in detain Karl Marx’s economic revolution theory. 7.) This form of artwork concentrated on the glories of the past along with the exotic and unfamiliar. a. Realism b. Surrealism c. Romanticism d. Cubism e. All of the above 8.) During the American Industrial Revolution this man perfected the concept of assembly line labor. a. Carnage b. Rockefeller c. Ford d. Washington e. Woodward

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