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Arguments, Persuasion, & Propaganda 2016

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1 Arguments, Persuasion, & Propaganda 2016








9 Propaganda example --

10 PATRIOTIC APPEAL – American flag design
PATRIOTIC: “liberty” – implies that if you buy it you are for freedom and if you don’t, then you are for enslavement

11 WORD CHOICE: Command – do it!
WORD CHOICE: “Can’t” – implies that if you aren’t good enough to fight in the war, you can still have value WORD CHOICE: Command – do it!

12 Rhyme Alliteration

13 FEAR: if you don’t do this, bad things will happen…wolves, snakes, death, war, etc.

14 INSPIRATION/EXAGGERATION: if you do this then all Americans will have big muscles to fight off evil – looks like Captain America with his shield

15 PATRIOTIC APPEAL – you can save America

16 Examples of propaganda techniques

17 Fear Mongering: Bandwagon: Black & White Fallacy: Associating:
“if you don’t do it, bad things will happen” Bandwagon: “everyone else believes it…” Black & White Fallacy: “you are either WITH us or AGAINST us” Associating: “beautiful and popular people do this – if you do it, you will also be beautiful and popular”

18 5. Demonizing the enemy

19 6. Flag-waving: -- doing this will make you more patriotic 7. Slogans: Interesting note: While this poster was made for England during WW2, it was never actually used.

20 8. Figurative Language: alliteration rhyme simile metaphor hyperbole imperatives

21 Teacher: discuss with the class the elements used in these posters

22 Teacher: discuss with the class the elements used in these posters

23 Teacher: discuss with the class the elements used in these posters

24 Assignment 1 Pick one of the following claims: Reading is bad for you.
Eating vegetables is unhealthy. Tigers (or other strange animals) make terrific pets. Air pollution is good for our planet.







31 Assignment 2 Create a full color and well-designed propaganda poster to support your chosen topic. You will be graded based on your effort, the quality of your work, and your use of propaganda devices. (you will not be graded on your drawing skills)

32 Sources

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