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The Expository Essay Your new best friend!.

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Presentation on theme: "The Expository Essay Your new best friend!."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Expository Essay Your new best friend!

2 What is Expository? Inform Explain Examine Discuss Interpret
Please translate all of the above before tomorrow!

3 Key Vocabulary Topic: Thesis: Claim: Evidence: Bias:
Main idea you are writing about (from prompt) A sentence that explains what your essay will be about What you are showing/proving (in the thesis) Examples that prove you are right التحيز / parcialidad What the reader already believes

4 Sample Prompt Think about innovations that have made vehicles safer such as seat belts and air bags. Write an essay in which you describe a safety improvement that has helped to save lives.

5 Planning and Prewriting
Before your write your essay – PLAN: make an outline Topic: Introduction: Body: Conclusion:

6 Introduction Background information – from the prompt and what you already know Example: What do you know about the sample topic? Thesis – the main idea of your essay; what you are trying to show readers Example:Write a thesis for the sample prompt: main topic + your focus idea = thesis statement

7 Example Thesis Topic = Safety improvements in driving such as airbags and seatbelts Focus Idea = have saved many lives Thesis = Seatbelts and airbags have made great improvements in driving safety and have saved many lives.

8 Body Topic sentence Evidence to support ideas
Explanation of the evidence Address the biases Concluding Sentence

9 Conclusion Review main points
Explain the significance of the topic and claim Do not introduce new ideas or evidence in the conclusion!

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