Function of the retina Annika Malmgren, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Function of the retina Annika Malmgren, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Function of the retina Annika Malmgren, 2009

2 FUNCTION OF THE RETINA To convert electromagnetic waves into action potentials AND To differentiate between different electromagnetic stimuli

3 structure of the retina

4 The fovea

5 Photoreceptors

METARHODOPSIN II Opsin All-trans Water Transducin Retinaldehyde 11-cis Alpha-subunit 5’-GMP cGMP Phosphodiesterase Na+ LIGHT HYPERPOLARIZATION K+ Na+

7 opsins OPSIN SCOTOPSIN PHOTOPSIN 445 nm nm nm Blue Green Red

8 Signal transmission Glutamate Glutamate (inhibiting) OFF cells
ON cells Inhibition Excitation W-cells X-cells Y-cells From rods From cones: From cones: Color, shape Movement

9 FUNCTION OF THE RETINA To convert electromagnetic waves into action potentials AND To differentiate between different electromagnetic stimuli (both colors and static/movement)

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