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E‑Learning Advisory Group Meetings on / 24

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1 E‑Learning Advisory Group Meetings on 2016-08-23 / 24
David Markwell Head of Education

2 Welcome and Introductions
Agenda Welcome, introductions & apologies Conflicts of interest Update from team ELAG Work Plan 4.1 National priorities and activities 4.2 Supporting delivery 4.3 Development advice 4.4 Supporting sharing 5. Future meetings 5.1 NZ meeting planning 5.2 Next call planning 6. Any other business Short introduction Name Organization Role in ELAG Member representative Nominated Expert Observer Staff – E‑Learning / Other staff Declarations of any conflicts of interest Please keep the Declarations of Interest page up to date Note any apologies from ELAG members

3 Update from Team – Headlines
Agenda Welcome, introductions & apologies Conflicts of interest Update from team ELAG Work Plan 4.1 National priorities and activities 4.2 Supporting delivery 4.3 Development advice 4.4 Supporting sharing 5. Future meetings 5.1 NZ meeting planning 5.2 Next call planning 6. Any other business Implementation course webinars Anne and Jon have been observing webinars over past 3 months They will be start to deliver Implementation course webinars starting from next month Implementation course presentation updates Feedback based revisions have been completed for the first 4 implementation course modules Responding to content course demand Cathy’s time is too limited to meet demand so one of the alumni from the Consultant Terminologist Program (Geraldine Wade) is assisting us as a contractor Geraldine has been observing and working with Cathy during the current course cycle and will lead webinars starting next month Major focus on 2017 on documentation and document migration

4 Update from Team – Course statistics
Agenda Welcome, introductions & apologies Conflicts of interest Update from team ELAG Work Plan 4.1 National priorities and activities 4.2 Supporting delivery 4.3 Development advice 4.4 Supporting sharing 5. Future meetings 5.1 NZ meeting planning 5.2 Next call planning 6. Any other business Foundation Course Course Completions: 1,120 Intakes Mar-16 to Aug-16: Intake for Sep-16 (so far) Implementation Course Course Completions: New intake for Sep Deferrals joining Sep New intake Jan-16 (so far) Content Development Theory Course Course Completions: New intake for Sep Deferrals joining Sep New intake Jan-16 (so far)

5 Update from Team – Course feedback
Agenda Welcome, introductions & apologies Conflicts of interest Update from team ELAG Work Plan 4.1 National priorities and activities 4.2 Supporting delivery 4.3 Development advice 4.4 Supporting sharing 5. Future meetings 5.1 NZ meeting planning 5.2 Next call planning 6. Any other business Foundation Course (585 responses) Course overall rating: 82% (4 or 5 on 5 point scale) Course met learning needs: 85% (agree + strongly agree) Would recommend to others: 90% Implementation Course (90 responses) Course overall rating: 96% (4 or 5 on 5 point scale) Course met learning needs: 98% (agree + strongly agree) Would recommend to others: 97% Content Development Theory Course (37 responses) Course overall rating: 92% (4 or 5 on 5 point scale) Course met learning needs: 95% (agree + strongly agree) Would recommend to others: 95%

6 Update from Team – Plans for remainder of 2016
Agenda Welcome, introductions & apologies Conflicts of interest Update from team ELAG Work Plan 4.1 National priorities and activities 4.2 Supporting delivery 4.3 Development advice 4.4 Supporting sharing 5. Future meetings 5.1 NZ meeting planning 5.2 Next call planning 6. Any other business Additional E‑Learning presentations on Relationship of SNOMED CT to ICD-10 Qualifier value hierarchy Experimenting with new forms of delivery Open access – with credit towards course Alternative learning pathways Expo Tutorials and Presentations Live in New Zealand Recordings linked from E‑Learning Server New documents to be followed by new presentations Decision Support with SNOMED CT Practical Guidance on Reference Sets Machine Readable Concept Model

7 Update from Team – E‑Learning Plans for 2017
Agenda Welcome, introductions & apologies Conflicts of interest Update from team ELAG Work Plan 4.1 National priorities and activities 4.2 Supporting delivery 4.3 Development advice 4.4 Supporting sharing 5. Future meetings 5.1 NZ meeting planning 5.2 Next call planning 6. Any other business Rolling out new forms of delivery Open access to presentations (or presentation sequences) Alternative study pathways Crash course for implementers Completion only course – without assessment Cross-over to assessed course with credit for open courses Planned additional E‑Learning presentations … Decision Support with SNOMED CT Practical Guidance on Reference Sets Machine Readable Concept Model SNOMED CT in Communication Standards SNOMED CT and FHIR Open access – with credit towards course Alternative learning pathways Short presentations and how-to demos

8 National priorities and activities
Agenda Welcome, introductions & apologies Conflicts of interest Update from team ELAG Work Plan 4.1 National priorities and activities 4.2 Supporting delivery 4.2 Development advice 4.3 Supporting sharing Future meetings 5.1 NZ meeting planning 5.2 Next call planning 6. Any other business Questions we asked on the ELAG blog What is your NRC doing to facilitate SNOMED CT education relevant to your national situation? Are delays in entry to the Implementation course and/or Content course causing practical problems for adoption and deployment of SNOMED CT in your country?

9 Supporting Delivery Agenda Welcome, introductions & apologies Conflicts of interest Update from team ELAG Work Plan 4.1 Supporting delivery 4.2 Development advice 4.3 Supporting sharing 4.4 National priorities and activities 5. Future meetings 5.1 NZ meeting planning 5.2 Next call planning 6. Any other business Scalable E-Learning - practical experience of varied levels of engagement and huge variations in demand for support from students Input invited from Members on the above with a focus on ways to facilitate increases to course capacity and national localization

10 Development Advice Agenda Welcome, introductions & apologies Conflicts of interest Update from team ELAG Work Plan 4.1 Supporting delivery 4.2 Development advice 4.3 Supporting sharing 4.4 National priorities and activities 5. Future meetings 5.1 NZ meeting planning 5.2 Next call planning 6. Any other business What single change to our SNOMED CT E-Learning services would make the most cost-effective impact on SNOMED CT implementation in your country?

11 Supporting Sharing Translation activities update
Agenda Welcome, introductions & apologies Conflicts of interest Update from team ELAG Work Plan 4.1 Supporting delivery 4.2 Development advice 4.3 Supporting sharing 4.4 National priorities and activities 5. Future meetings 5.1 NZ meeting planning 5.2 Next call planning 6. Any other business Translation activities update Updates from Members on any current use of Foundation Course shared materials Availability of Implementation course materials for sharing Timing of availability of other course materials Update on documentation migration progress

12 Face to Face Meeting Planning (NZ 2016-10-25)
Agenda Welcome, introductions & apologies Conflicts of interest Update from team ELAG Work Plan 4.1 Supporting delivery 4.2 Development advice 4.3 Supporting sharing 4.4 National priorities and activities 5. Future meetings 5.1 NZ meeting planning 5.2 Next call planning 6. Any other business Goals Report status of E-Learning courses Report E-Learning Team plans for Easy access, Audience specific study pathways (including a 'crash course' for implementers), More flexible timing for advanced courses. Get broader input and advice on specific issues related planned changes and developments Establish interest in additional translations of course material Establish interest for distributed support for localized SNOMED CT E-Learning services from IHTSDO E-Learning Platform Planning for ELAG meeting and work in 2017

13 Face to Face Meeting Planning (NZ 2016-10-25)
Agenda Welcome, introductions & apologies Conflicts of interest Update from team ELAG Work Plan 4.1 Supporting delivery 4.2 Development advice 4.3 Supporting sharing 4.4 National priorities and activities 5. Future meetings 5.1 NZ meeting planning 5.2 Next call planning 6. Any other business Goals Team Updates on Status of E-Learning courses Plans for 2017 Report E-Learning Team plans for 2017 Get broad input and advice on specific issues related planned changes and developments Establish interest in Additional translations of course material Possible use of SNOMED CT E‑Learning services to support for national Planning for ELAG meeting and work in 2017 Who plans to attend In-person? By teleconference?

14 Next Call Planning Before or after face-to-face meeting?
Agenda Welcome, introductions & apologies Conflicts of interest Update from team ELAG Work Plan 4.1 Supporting delivery 4.2 Development advice 4.3 Supporting sharing 4.4 National priorities and activities 5. Future meetings 5.1 NZ meeting planning 5.2 Next call planning 6 Any other business Before or after face-to-face meeting? Before (late September) Decision on whether to have call Will this facilitate a more effective face to face session? After (early December) Follow up from the face-to-face meeting Finalizing plans for ELAG engagement in providing advice on E‑Learning activities during 2017

15 ? Any Other Business? Agenda Welcome, introductions & apologies
Conflicts of interest Update from team ELAG Work Plan 4.1 Supporting delivery 4.2 Development advice 4.3 Supporting sharing 4.4 National priorities and activities 5. Future meetings 5.1 NZ meeting planning 5.2 Next call planning 6 Any other business? ?

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