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Development of Analysis Tools for Certification of Flight Control Laws

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1 Development of Analysis Tools for Certification of Flight Control Laws
FA , April 05-November 06 Participants UCB: Ufuk Topcu, Weehong Tan, Tim Wheeler, Andy Packard Honeywell: Pete Seiler UMN: Gary Balas Website Copyright 2006, Packard, Tan, Wheeler, Seiler and Balas. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

2 Tools for Quantitative, Local Nonlinear Analysis
Focus over the past 15 months Region of attraction estimation induced norms for Locally stable, finite-dimensional nonlinear systems, with polynomial vector fields parameter uncertainty (also polynomial) Main Tools: Lyapunov/HJI formulation Sum-of-squares proofs to ensure nonnegativity and set containment Semidefinite programming (SDP), Bilinear Matrix Inequalities (BMI) Optimization interface: YALMIP and SOSTOOLS SDP solvers: Sedumi BMIs: using PENBMI (academic license from Constraints provided by simulation

3 Examples presented last year
C P 0.5 1 1.5 2 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.55 Adaptive Control, G = 1 and = 4 R L2 to L2 gain 0.25 Γ=4 Γ=1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Lower Bnd Upper Bound Linearized R b Refined Upper Bound Using worst-case input from linear analysis Composite (2 Vi)

4 Sum-of-Squares Sum-of-squares decompositions will be the main tool to decide set containment conditions, and certify nonnegativity. A polynomial f, in n real-variables is a sum-of-squares if it can be expressed as a sum-of-squares of other polys, denotes set of all sum-of-square polynomials in n variables

5 Sum-of-Squares Decomposition
For a polynomial f, in n real-variables, and of degree 2d The entries of z are not algebraically independent e.g. x12x22 = (x1x2)2 ) M is not unique (for a specified f) The set of matrices, M, which yield f, is an affine subspace one particular + all homogeneous Particular solution depends on f all homogeneous solutions depend only on n & d. Searching this affine subspace for a p.s.d element is an SDP…

6 Semidefinite program: feasibility
Sum-of-Squares as SDP For a polynomial f, in n real-variables, and of degree 2d Each Mi is s×s, where Using the Newton polytope method, both s and q can often be reduced, depending on the terms present in f. Semidefinite program: feasibility

7 (s,q) wrt n and 2d 2d n 2 4 6 8 3 10 27 15 75 20 126 35 465 5 50 420 70 1990 7 28 196 84 2646 210 19152 9 45 540 165 10692 495 109890 11 66 1210 286 33033 1001 457743

8 Synthesizing Sum-of-Squares as SDP
Given: polynomials Decide if an affine combination of them can be made a sum-of-squares. This is also an SDP.

9 Synthesizing Sum-of-Squares as Bilinear SDP
Given: polynomials A problem that will arise in this talk is: find such that This is a nonconvex SDP, namely a bilinear matrix inequality

10 Common features of analysis
These analysis all involve search over a nonconvex set of certifying Lyapunov functions, roughly The SOS relaxations are nonconvex as well, e.g., They are “solved” via PENBMI, commercial BMI solver from PENOPT Ad-hoc iteration on linear SDPs Examples were nonconvex problems in ~100s of variables

11 Last year: What we didn’t show…
Obtaining results was challenging…. restart Run Iteration Answer not what is needed or expected restart YES! Run PENBMI diverge YES! Answer not what is needed or expected By contrast: Today’s results better, reliable and naturally obtained For now Restrict attention to region-of-attraction estimation

12 Estimating Region of Attraction
Nonconvex problem, nonconvex relaxation. Solution approaches: SOS conditions to verify containments Parametrize V, parametrize multipliers, solve… Bilinear SDP solvers Ad-hoc iterative, based on linear SDPs Behavior: Initial point has big effect on end result, e.g., Unable to reach a feasible point Convergence to local optimum What are prospects for generating “good” initial points? Easily computable Promising results

13 Estimating Region of Attraction
Dynamics, equilibrium point User-defined function whose sub-level sets are to be in region-of-attraction By choice of positive-definite V, maximize  so that

14 Region of Attraction: Bilinear SOS
Maximize  (positive-definite V ) so that Choose “small” positive definite functions BMIs Products of decision variables

15 Sanity check For a positive definite matrix B, Proof:
Consider p.d. quadratic shape factor The best obtainable result is the “largest” value such that That containment easy to characterize: Questions: Can the bilinear SOS formulation yield this? Can the BMI solver find this solution? nth order system cubic vector field known ROA Yes Basically, Yes, Fast (n<10) 1000’s of random examples, n=2-10; two restarts of PENBMI, always successful

16 Region of Attraction Consider a simpler question. Fix β, is
Ad-hoc solution: run N sims, starting from samples in If any diverge, then “no” If all converge, then maybe “yes”, and perhaps the Lyapunov analysis can prove it In this case, how can we use the simulation data? Necessary condition: If V exists to verify, it must be ≤1 on all trajectories ≥0 on all trajectories Decreasing on all trajectories and possibly some more…

17 Outer bound on certifying Lyapunov functions
After simulations Collection of convergent trajectories starting in divergent trajectories starting in Linearly parametrize V, namely The necessary conditions on V are convex constraints on V≤1 on convergent trajectories V≥0 on all trajectories V decreasing on convergent trajectories Quad(V) is a Lyapunov function for Linear(f) V≥1 on divergent trajectories

18 Hit & Run: Uniformly sample convex set in Rn
Start with an interior point, w Pick a direction v in Rn, N(0,I) Find tmin and tmax such that w+tv just in set Pick μ, uniformly in [tmin tmax] NextX = x + μv In Lyapunov coefficient space, get samples: Assess the ROA that they certify, or… Use as a seed for PENBMI, and/or iteration Finding [tmin tmax] involves Several simple 1-d linear inequalities A linear matrix inequality for An SOS program, for Smith, 1984 Operations Research Lovasz, 1999 Math Programming Tempo, Calafiore, Dabbene, Springer

19 Assessing V: Checking containments
Each candidate V certifies a region of attraction Generally, this is solved in two steps SOS optimization (s8, s9) to maximize the level-set condition on V SOS optimization (s6) to maximize the condition on p & V PENBMI and iteration initialized with these as well

20 Assessing V: Checking containments
Alternate conditions, this is solved in two steps SOS optimization (p1) to maximize the level-set condition on V SOS optimization (p2) to maximize the condition on p & V Under the assumption that is negative definite near 0, these confirm SDP, no bisection SDP, no bisection

21 Employing simulation Simulate Sample Vouter Seed Iteration Seed PENBMI
Assess ROA using V Seed Iteration Seed PENBMI

22 Examples considered vanDerPol’s

23 Examples considered (cont’d)
Aircraft: Pitch axis, 2-state dynamic inversion controller Short period longitudinal model,

24 Results: Van der Pol’s oscillator
Quadratic shape factor: βmax ≈1.04 Sims performed from Assess achieved β from 50 samples of outer bound Now seed PENBMI with these samples

25 Van der Pol’s Summary Unseeded PENBMI Degree(V)=4 Degree(V)=6 RunTime
30-45(-300) seconds seconds BestAnswer, β= 0.928 1.034 Percentage 90 30 Seeded PENBMI Degree(V)=4 Degree(V)=6 Simulations 10 seconds (100) 20 seconds (200) Form LP/ConvexP 1 second 2 seconds Get feasible point 10 seconds 20 seconds Associate multipliers 5 seconds Seed/Run PENBMI 7 seconds 16 seconds TOTAL 35 seconds 63 seconds Additional Point (H&R) 0.1 seconds 0.2 seconds BestAnswer, β= 0.930 1.034 Percentage 100

26 Level Sets The level sets

27 What did the aircraft analysis entail/yield/require?
Several Analysis Unseeded calls to PENBMI Sim-based initialization for iteration Did not run a seeded PENBMI Alternate initialization for iteration Separate extensive simulations to find divergent trajectories Simple form for shape factor Different Lyapunov function structures Quadratic (8.6, 8.6) pointwise-max quadratics (8.6) Quadratic+Quartic (12.2, 12.2) Fully quartic (quadratic + cubic + quartic)

28 Results: quadratic+cubic+quartic V
There is a divergent trajectory starting from Simulation-based algorithm Iteration from “random” starting point Take P from Direct unseeded call to PENBMI yields (after 38 hours) All initial conditions in are in ROA divergent trajectory from 4000 simulations 5 minutes Form LP/ConvexP 3 minutes Get a feasable point Assess answer with V 2 minutes Iterate from V 3 minutes/iteration, 6 iters TOTAL 33 minutes 30 iterations

29 What’s possible? Assuming no breakthroughs in
SDP/BMI solvers exploiting problem structure Then, reliable and time-tolerable analysis for systems with Cubic vector fields State dimension between 10 and 15, pointwise-max quadratic Lyapunov functions State dimension ≤6, quartic Lyapunov functions How should this be viewed? Linearized analysis is effectively Infinitesimal analysis of dynamics with quadratic Lyapunov fcns So, the proposed method extends both the degree of approximation of the dynamics, and the richness of the Lyapunov function

30 Extensions Using simulation data to impose necessary conditions on Lyapunov/storage functions that prove Local, input/output gain bounds Local state reachability Attractive invariant sets ROA for uncertain systems extends (conceptually) easily. If Then If such a V exists, then from x(0)=0, with there are upper and lower bounds on V, and upper bounds on

31 Some things to pursue Principal component analysis on the Lyapunov coefficient space (manifold discovery, Coifman) Superficially, this won’t help much, since most of the variables in the SOS optimization come from the nonuniqueness of the Gram matrix, and are a function of the degree and order. McEnneay’s curse-of-dimensionality free computing More inner-loop airframe closed-loop analysis Wang, Lall, West (2005 Allerton) level set advection methods Approximately integrate polynomial level set backwards, preserving polynomial structure. Iteration of linear SDPs Effect of number of simulations, employing backward sims Alternate iterations Time delays, other robustness metrics

32 Problems, difficulties, risks
Dimensionality: Theory leads to reduced complexity in specific instances of problems (sparsity, Newton polytope reduction, symmetries) Solvers (SDP): numerical accuracy, conditioning Connecting the input/output gains to other measures of robustness and performance Decay rates Damping ratios Oscillation frequencies Including time-delays BMI nature of local analysis, though the simulation-based approach to seed BMI is promising

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