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Classical Roots Lessons 1and 2.

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1 Classical Roots Lessons 1and 2

2 DIRECTIONS Go to your Vocabulary Section.
Title this “Classical Roots-Lesson 1” Write the root word. List the words within that root word underneath.

3 PER = “through” Percussion Perennial Permeate Persevere

4 FERO, FERRE, TULI, LATUM = “to bring,” “to bear,” “to carry”
Defer Dilatory Elation Infer

Contend Intent

6 DIRECTIONS Go to your Vocabulary Section.
Title this “Classical Roots-Lesson 2” Write the root word. List the words within that root word underneath.

7 SUB = “under” Subvert Subservient

8 Contort Distort Retort Tortuous
TORQUEO, TORQUERE, TORSI, TORTUM = “to twist,” “to bend,” “to turn around” Contort Distort Retort Tortuous

9 VERSO, VERSARE, VERSAVI, VERSATUM = “to turn” “to turn around”
Adversity Avert Introvert Perverse Prose

10 Let’s talk about STUDYING!
Know the definitions for every word. Understand how to use them appropriately in sentences. Flashcards! Really put effort into the Review Exercises. They really use all the words to get you to fully understand them. Know every aspect: meaning, definition, root, verb forms Speaking of verb forms…you really should know them (example: horrere “to shudder” = abhor)

11 HOMEWORK REVIEW EXERCISES 1, 2, AND 3. You can find these on pages 15 and 16. Review Exercise 1: Write the answers only. Review Exercise 2: Write the correct letters. Review Exercise 3: 3 PARTS - you must complete all 3 activities! LABEL EACH HEADING!

12 What does the test look like?

13 Test Time Here we go, folks! Take a deep breath. 
The test is YOUR COPY. Write your name on it. In addition to bubbling your answers, please write the LETTER (A, B, C, or D) next to the question number. When finished, KEEP YOUR TEST, but turn it over. Work on school work or read. Test Corrections will be allowed on this test!

14 TEST CORRECTIONS #’s 1-10, 15-20
Write the CORRECT WORD in a sentence. You will only receive points IF the word is used in a context. #’s 11-14 Write a SYNONYM and ANTONYM for the example word pair AND the correct word pair.

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