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Georgia’s Articles Memory Clues

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Presentation on theme: "Georgia’s Articles Memory Clues"— Presentation transcript:

1 Georgia’s Articles Memory Clues
ARTICLE XI ARTICLE X ARTICLE IX ARTICLE VIII ARTICLE VII ARTICLE VI ARTICLE V ARTICLE IV ARTICLE III ARTICLE II ARTICLE I PREAMBLE © Brain Wrinkles Description Directions: Complete the chart below with a description of each article and a symbol to help you remember the article’s purpose. Georgia’s Articles Memory Clues Symbol

2 What’s the article about? Why is it important to Georgia’s government?
Rate An Article Title: ____________________ Article Description: What’s the article about? Why is it important to Georgia’s government? Symbol Customer Reviews Date: ___________ Date: ___________ By ___________ from ______________ By ___________ from ______________ What would someone who agrees with the article’ purpose think about the article? How many stars would he give? What would someone who disagrees with the article’s purpose think about the article? How many stars would he give? © Brain Wrinkles

3 Rate An Article Title: ____________________ Customer Reviews
Article Description: Customer Reviews Date: ___________ Date: ___________ By ___________ from ______________ By ___________ from ______________ © Brain Wrinkles

4 Branch Business Card Directions: Create a business card for someone who works for one of the three branches of government. Include the person’s job description, awards or honors, and past experiences on the card. Also, create a logo (symbol) and a catchy symbol. Description: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Logo Name: __________________________ Company: ______________________ __________________________ Awards: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Past Experience: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Slogan: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ © Brain Wrinkles

5 Checks & Balances Political Cartoon
Directions: Create a political cartoon to represent how checks and balances work between the three branches of government. © Brain Wrinkles

6 Commemorative Can Can Description:
Directions: Design a soda can to represent the foundations of GA’s government. The can should include symbols to represent GA’s Constitution, political parties, voting qualifications, citizens’ rights & responsibilities, and the state flag & pledge of allegiance. In the textbox, describe what the symbols mean and how they are important to GA’s government. Can Description: © Brain Wrinkles

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