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National Land Commission, Kenya

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National Land Commission, Kenya 18th annual world bank conference on land and poverty March 20 to 24, 2017 Washington D.C.

2 There is need a comprehensive strategy to secure the commons
To achieve this will require out of the box reform mechanisms and the participation of the communities Reforms need to embrace indigenous systems and structures that offer avenues to secure collective rights and management of commons Introduction

3 Kenya's case example Kenya's strategy is to reduce poverty, safeguarding the state of the commons and promoting sustainable natural resources management. Kenya has made credible incremental progress towards achieving secure tenure and land use for the commons.

4 The main strategy for the Kenya government.
Eradication of marginalization enhancing of community resilience This will be achieved through community land reforms Demand-driven development and investments ASAL Knowledge Management; and Private sector and other partnerships. The ASAL Policy; No. 8 Of 2012

5 The main challenges in securing rights to the commons?
Low levels of human capital development. Strong influence of clan/tribe dynamics on the socio economic process which perpetuate resource use conflicts. Poor infrastructure and communication networks. Gaps in policy, legal and institutional framework (both formal and informal) for management of commons

6 What should be done to mitigate these challenges?
 Address marginalization Develop a package of fiscal and other incentives that will attract private sector investment Ensure all investment and economic development protects the environment, and provides compensation Implementing the equalization fund as provided in the Kenya constitution 2010

7 Institutional reforms
Identify institutional structures and processes within the commons that need to be improved Devolved structures accommodate mobility and resource-sharing. Protect and promote indigenous knowledge and practice,

8 Land use planning Land use planning to set the development agenda for the region. The Kitengela-isinya sub regional land use plan and recently completed Lamu County Spatial plan are case examples Through these plans the counties have addressed Strategies for human settlement Sustainable utilization and management of land Public participation in the land use and development Agreeable seasonal access rights to land resources

9 Livelihood Systems and Zones
Map and document natural resources, land use and tenure systems Mapping and analysing the local dynamics of natural-resource based conflicts Community capacity and training and improved community management of natural resources

10 Political and social dynamics
Massive sensitization of the community on the user rights Ascertainment and codification of the local community land systems into the statutory laws Formation of institutions for land administration specific to community lands

11 Re-examine role of actors in land governance to secure the commons?
Resources mobilization Capacity development and empowerment Strategy facilitation Change management Mainstreaming commons rights in the global agenda for action.

12 Lessons Learned and Way forward
Conclusion Lessons Learned and Way forward Land use integrity Focus on equilibrium and sustainability Economy Enhancing competitiveness specialization and demand driven growth Local Resource base focus Unlocking the resources. investments in infrastructure manufacturing


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