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Kaluza-Klein Towers Revisited

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1 Kaluza-Klein Towers Revisited
Jean Nuyts (Results obtained in collaboration with Fernand Grard) University of Mons-Hainaut November 12, 2007

2 Introduction A) What are Kaluza-Klein towers?
B) Why revisit Kaluza-Klein towers? C) Hermitic-Symmetric-Self-adjoint Operators Boundary Conditions D) Kaluza-Klein towers in 5-dimensional Flat space E) Warped Kaluza-Klein towers. Singularities F) Physics: The signature of Kaluza-Klein towers G) Conclusions

3 What are Kaluza-Klein towers?
It was discovered about 75 years ago that if one extends the 4-dimensional space-time by one or more dimensions, the fields living in the full space (the bulk space) can decompose in the 4-d subspace (the brane space) as a superposition of 4-d particles.

4 Why revisit Kaluza-Klein towers?
If a field propagates in a five dimensional space with one extra variable with a finite range of s --- xi ,t [-, +] normal space --- s [0, 2 R] a ribbon --- s [0  2 R] a cylinder The natural choice of boundary conditions are Box or Periodic or Antiperiodic conditions BUT there are OTHER CHOICES

5 5-d Flat space Notation x ( = 0, 1, 2, 3), x5 = s dS2 = dxdx – ds2
x  [-,+] , s [0,2R] 5-dim REAL SCALAR MASSLESS FIELD (    -  s  s )  = 0

6 Elementary Principles
d) The observables are self-adjoint or at least symmetric. Hence the eigenvalues (when they exist) are real. The eigenvectors are orthogonal. (This is precise enough for what follows.) e) Two symmetric operators A and B can have common eigenvectors (can be diagonalized simultaneously) if they commute [ A , B ] = 0

7 Comment: We have witnessed recently a
series of articles on « Non-hermitian operators with real eigenvalues … » Strangely ….

8 5-d Flat space The Kaluza-Klein reduction (    -  s  s )y = 0
goes as follows. Take (x,s) = n [x]n (x) [s]n (s) then the real scalar massless field equation is trivially solved by (     + mn2 ) [x]n (x) = 0 (  s  s + mn2 ) [s]n (s) = 0

9 Flat space For the scalar product is selfadjoint (automatic …)
is not selfadjoint commutes with

10 5-d Flat space is the requested symmetry property. It implies the Boundary Conditions

11 5-d Flat space Boundary conditions
The Boundary equation can be solved by Boundary Conditions BC Two linear relations among the values of (0) , (2R) , s(0) , s(2R) (And the same relations for the ’s). The are all summarized by the six following cases

12 5-d Flat space Boundary conditions T = 1
BC1  BC2 

13 5-d Flat space Boundary conditions
BC3  BC4 

14 5-d Flat space Boundary conditions
BC5  BC6 

15 5-d Flat space The Kaluza-Klein solutions
mn2 > (massive 4-d scalars) [s]n (s) = n sin(mns) + n cos(mns) mn2 = (massless 4-d scalars) [s] 0 (s) = A s + B m-n2 = - hn2 < (4-d scalar tachyons) [s] -n (s) = -n sinh(hns) + -n cos(hns)

16 Why do these considerations lead in general to Towers when (mn) > 0
5-d Flat space Towers Why do these considerations lead in general to Towers when (mn) > 0 There are two relations for each set of Boundary Conditions (BC1 …. BC6) --- The first one fixes the relation between the parameters of the solutions n and n. --- The second one is then an equation for mn. Since it involves sin and cos, there are in general an infinite number of solutions

17 5-d Flat space Massless scalars, Tachyons
--- To obtain massless particles (Surface) One of the boundary conditions leads to a relation between A and B The second one restricts in general the parameters to take specific values --- Since for the tachyons the functions are sinh and cosh there exists in general at most one tachyon

18 5-d Flat space The Kaluza-Klein solutions
Classically the following BC are considered Box conditions BC6 Periodic or antiperiodic conditions BC2 with 3=0, 1=4= They lead to Regular towers mn = n / 2R n integer even and/or odd

19 5-d Flat space The other Boundary Cases … Example of a mass equation
BC1 Non regular towers

20 5-d warped space BASIC INGREDIENTS (sign of k !!!)

21 5-d warped space Symmetry and Commutation
--- Both D and Q2 are symmetric for the scalar product, but they do NOT commute They cannot be diagonalised together --- The 4-d box = e-2ks D and Q = e-2ks Q2 commute but e-2ks Q2 is NOT symmetric --- Hence a Paradox --- The way out Q’ = L-1QL L = exp(ks) makes Q’symmetric by a non-unitary transformation

22 Section F (5-d warped space) Boundary Conditions
After some algebra one obtains So that the Boundary Conditions of the warped space are simply the Boundary Conditions of the flat space with T = e4kR

23 5-d warped space Equations - Form of the solutions
The Kaluza-Klein decomposition goes as follows Particles m+n2 > 0 Massless m0 = 0 Tachyons m-n2=-h2 < 0

24 5-d warped space Discussion
Again two relations for each set of Boundary Conditions --- one serves to determine the ratio / --- the second one gives the masses +++ In general a non-regular tower for m2 > 0 +++ A condition on the parameters for m=0 +++ A lonely tachyon state for m2=-h2 < 0

25 5-d warped space Physical Considerations
Physical miracle -- Suppose that there is only one scale in the theory namely the Planck scale MPL = Tev -- All the parameters (k,  …) of mass dimension d take the reduced form of order 1 -- Then if one takes

26 5-d warped space Discussion
The Masses comming out in the towers are of the order of a Tev This is the famous Randall-Sundrum discovery Our contributions : +++ A detailed study of the self-adjointness of the operators +++ All the allowed towers

27 The Signature of the Kaluza-Klein Towers Physics at LHC ?
Hierarchy Question Why is the Planck Mass Tev so high compared to the 0.1 Tev seen in laboratories (fine tuning ?) Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos, Dvali Randall, Sundrum

28 The Signature of the Kaluza-Klein Towers Randall, Sundrum
and the cross sections may be large one may expect (at least for non zero mass) quasi-regular bumps for the KK particles (?) productions at LHC ???? Caution : This is based on a study of the massless scalar 5-d case To be done : the spin 1 and spin 2 cases carefully

29 Kaluza-Klein Towers : Conclusions
--- We have done a very carefull study of ALL the allowed sets of Boundary Conditions for a massless 5-d field leading to ALL the allowed forms of the Kaluza-Klein towers for scalars for A five-dimensional flat space A five-dimensional warped space with singularities

30 Kaluza-Klein Towers : Conclusions
OUR FINDINGS --- Quasi-regular but not fully regular towers --- Mass zero at the bottom of the tower for certain special relations between the parameters appearing in the Boundary Conditions. --- These last relations define, in general, a surface in the parameter space --- close to one side, a particle of small mass appears --- close to the other side, a tachyon appears

31 REFERENCES Grard, F., Nuyts,J.,Elementary Kaluza-Klein Towers revisited, Phys. Rev.D 74, (2006), hep-ph/ Grard, F., Nuyts, J., Warped Kaluza-Klein Towers revisited, (to be published in Phys.Rev. D) Grard, F., Nuyts, J., Warped Kaluza-Klein Towers with singularities, (in preparation) Arkhani-Ahmed, N., Dimopoulos, S., Dvali, G., The Hierarchy Problem and New Dimensions at a Millimeter, Phys. Lett., B429, 263 (1998), hep-ph/ , SLAC-PUB-7769, SU-ITP-98/13 Randall, L., Sundrum, R., Large Mass Hierarchy from a Small Extra Dimension, Phys. Rev. Lett.} {\bf{83}}, 3370 (1999), hep-ph/ , An Alternative to Compactification, Phys. Rev. Lett.} {\bf{83}}, 4690 (1999), hep-th/ Rizzo,T.J., Pedagogical Introduction to Extra Dimensions, hep-ph/ , SLAC-PUB-10753

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