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Copyright: The Ethical Imperative for Librarians

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1 Copyright: The Ethical Imperative for Librarians
Martin Garnar Dean, Kraemer Family Library

2 What to expect Where we’ve been, and how we got there Where we are now
Where we might be going

3 The ALA Code of Ethics First introduced in 1939
Intellectual Property first mentioned in 1995 “We respect intellectual property rights.”

4 First question: What does it mean to respect intellectual property rights? Turn to your neighbor and discuss, then be prepared to share with the group.

5 Second question: What’s missing from this statement? “We respect intellectual property rights.” (talk amongst yourselves)

6 2008: Revision “We respect intellectual property rights and advocate balance between the interests of information users and rights holders.”

7 Third question: What do you like or dislike about the language added in 2008? (you should know the drill by now)

8 2014: Interpretation Selected quotes:
A shared purpose of copyright and libraries is to benefit the public through the creation and dissemination of information and creative works. In pursuit of this goal, copyright law should balance the public’s need to access and use informative and creative works and the interests of rights holders.

9 2014: Interpretation Selected quotes: Libraries have both the opportunity and the obligation to work towards that balance when they engage in activities such as acquiring information resources for their communities, curating and preserving cultural heritage, establishing services and programs to enhance access to information, and lending books or other resources.

10 2014: Interpretation Selected quotes: Libraries and their parent institutions have a responsibility to promote and maintain policies and procedures that are consistent with their ethical obligations, their institutional missions, and the law, including copyright law. Such policies and procedures should respect both the rights of copyright holders and the rights of users of copyrighted works.

11 2014: Interpretation Selected quotes:
Librarians are sources of copyright information for their user communities. Consequently, librarians should remain informed about copyright developments, particularly those that can limit or restrict the rights of users or libraries.

12 2014: Interpretation Selected quotes: Librarians should develop a solid understanding of the purpose of the law and knowledge of the details of the law relevant to the activities of the library, the ability to critically analyze circumstances relying on fair use or other limits to the rights of copyright holders, and the confidence to implement the law using good judgment.

13 2014: Interpretation Selected quotes: Librarians and library staff should be educated to recognize and observe copyright and its limits, to understand and act on their rights and those of their users, and to be ready to inform or properly refer users with questions pertaining to copyright.

14 2014: Interpretation Selected quotes: Librarians have a proud history of advocating for the public interest. Copyright law should not expand the rights of copyright holders without sufficiently considering or benefitting the public interest. When the balance between rights holders and information users needs to be restored, librarians should engage with rights holders and legislators and advocate on behalf of their users and user rights.

15 Fourth question: Does this Interpretation still advocate for balance?
(if you’re tired of talking to the same person, turn to the other side, but don’t blame me if no one wants to sit with you at lunch)

16 Final questions: How have you balanced “the interests of information users and rights holders in your professional lives?” What would you change in the current system?

17 Questions? (I’m done – it’s your turn)


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