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Principles of exercise, health and fitness

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Presentation on theme: "Principles of exercise, health and fitness"— Presentation transcript:

1 Principles of exercise, health and fitness

2 Aims Describe the effects of exercise on different body systems
Understand the effects and causes of DOMS Understand why people exercise

3 Why exercise Improve health Improve fitness Competition
Socialise with others Enjoyment Reduce stress

4 Benefits of exercise Physical benefits: Improved health and wellbeing
Improved physical fitness Longer life expectancy Reduced risk of disease

5 Benefits of exercise Mental benefits: Improved mood and enjoyment
Increased self confidence Increased self esteem Mental resilience Motivation Ability to take positive risks

6 Benefits of exercise Social benefits: Crime reduction Drug avoidance
Anti-bullying, social contact and acceptance Motivating others to lead an active and healthy lifestyle

7 Effects of exercise Exercise can benefit every body system in the body
Short term – as soon as you start to exercise Long term – effects that continue after exercise

8 Blood pooling Blood pushed around the body when exercising
Muscles contract and help with venous return Exercise stops, muscles relax, lactic acid builds up and blood ‘pools’ in the body Effects: dizziness and fainting

9 Bones and joints Weight bearing exercises can help strengthen bones and joints Increases bone density and joint stability Increases mobilisation and ROM of joints Lack of weight bearing exercises Can lead to injuries

10 Muscular system Short term effects Heat Increased contractility
Excitability Elasticity

11 Muscular system Long term effects Increased tone Size Fat metabolism
Number of mitochondria Storage of glycogen Motor unit recruitment

12 DOMS Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness Caused by eccentric contractions
Muscles lengthen under high intensity or impact when they want to contract 48 hours after training

13 DOMS Structural muscle damage (microscopic fibre tears, muscle cell leakage) Exercises that can increase the effects of DOMS Plyometrics, eccentric resistance training, isometric training, downhill running, higher than normal exercise intensity

14 Muscle cell leakage Exercise leads to damage to muscle cells
Calcium leaks out of the Sarcoplasmic reticulum Calcium accumulates in the mitochondria This inhibits ATP production Activates proteases which breaks down muscle protein Leads to inflammation which causes pain

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