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Executive Branch Review

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1 Executive Branch Review

2 Leading Up to Election 5a. What can previous political experience gain a presidential candidate? 5b. How much can a candidate spend in primaries? National elections? 5c. What type of belief is preferred? 5d. Throughout history, Presidents generally have been…

3 Leading Up to the Election
Since 1868, only six Presidents have had no previous political background. Dwight D. Eisenhower was most popular and successful as a President Most served as a governor or senator Financial success Typically, the candidate raising the most money generally wins the election As of the end of September 2012, Obama has raised $108 million more than Romney

4 Leading Up to the Election
Candidates spend money on Advertising and Social Media Campaign staff Travel costs Campaign gear (buttons, shirts, signs, etc.) Romney commercial: Obama commercial:

5 Discussion Points Which commercial made you want to vote for the candidate? Which commercial was clearer in stating goals? Which commercial was more hostile towards the opponent? Which commercial was a better use of money?

6 Presidential Debates No formal debates were held until 1960
The most famous debates before 1960 were the Lincoln-Douglas debates for the Senate seat of Illinois The first Vice Presidential debate was in 1976 Most seasons have three debates Debates are important because: Candidates are shown to the public Public gains a sense of decision making of candidates Lesser known candidates or policies can get attention

7 Presidential Debates CNN Best Debate Moments: Appearance Matters: 1960 Kennedy-Nixon debate: Makeup Debate Skill Matters: 2000: Gore openly sighs, breaks code of behavior Camera Skill Matters: 1980 Reagan-Carter: Reagan uses acting to gain popularity from the crowd Policy Knowledge Matters: 1976 Ford-Carter: Ford stated there was not Soviet domination of Eastern Europe 2012 Third Debate Highlights:

8 Elections What key element was missing in the early presidential elections? How were the President and Vice President originally chosen? What changed the Electoral College? When does the popular vote take place? When you vote for President, who are you really casting a vote for? How many electoral votes are needed to win the presidency? How could a third-party candidate cause problems?

9 Elections Every eligible person has to be registered to vote
Each state has different registration guidelines When you register, you do NOT have to declare a political affiliation but you may choose to do so If you are not able to vote (ex: away on military duty) you can vote using an absentee ballot A word about voting:

10 2012 Electoral Votes Map

11 The Cabinet How many departments make up the cabinet?
What should secretaries have in preparation for their role as a secretary? Which President had the most diverse cabinet? Why is that important? What is the intended role of the cabinet? Have presidents successfully used the cabinet in decision making?

12 The Cabinet State Treasury Interior Agriculture Justice Commerce Labor
Homeland Security Defense Health and Human Services Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Transportation Energy Education Veterans Affairs


14 The Executive Office of the President
Why was the EOP created? Two branches: Executive Agencies White House Staff Staffs generally reflects political platforms and specific issues Main Office: Office of Management and Budget Main Council: National Security Council

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