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Asutosh Karashrama Mishra

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1 Asutosh Karashrama Mishra

2 Familiarize students with the terms , key concepts and basic principles associated with geography.
Understand and analyze the spatial variation in cultural heritage of Koraput district, Orissa-India. Learning with joy through investigation and collaboration. Hone their skills and techniques by sharing their ideas with their peer groups. Enable teachers of geography, history, biology and other subjects to collect and share latest information through the use of latest technology. Develop geographical skill, relating to collection, processing and analysis of data/information and preparation of report.

3 Is Learning Geography beyond classroom possible?

4 GEOGRAPHY RESOURCES Important Features
A web page ( designed to cater to the requirements for teaching Geography. Important Features All participants can upload and download resources. Provides information about latest development in the field. Innovative practices in teaching geography are shared i.e. Weather Instrument & Maps, Climate of India, Cultural Heritage of Koraput etc. Changes in the page informed through sms (through Contacts between teachers established through mail, video conferencing (skype) & mobile. Home Presentation Games Video Software Contact

5 HOME PAGE This page provide links to other pages.
Display important developments in the field of geography. Provides links to the important articles published by teachers. Indicate changes in this web page. Provides Links to innovative works undertaken by teachers and students. Display achievements of teachers.

6 PRESENTATION This page can be navigated from Home page.
Teachers and students can upload or download different slide presentations created or collected by them. Participants can put forward their comment.

7 GAMES There are a number of games useful for development of learning created by teachers are uploaded or links to such gaming sites are given in this page which can be downloaded by participants.

8 VIDEO Videos useful to demonstrate real life situation or role play by children are uploaded or links to such sites are given to this page. Participants can upload or download their own resources to this page.

9 SOFTWARE Some of the software are essential for preparation of presentation, organize resource materials, video or audio conferencing, editing audio and videos etc are uploaded or links given to such web sites. Most of the software are either open source or freely available.

10 TEACHERS’ CONTACT This page provides a list of teachers who are the participants of this collaborative learning and who have made this site a rich one. There are phone number and ID of all teachers given in this page.

11 INNOVATIVE PROJECTS One of the purpose of creation of this web page is to share innovative ideas of teachers experimented in their own school. In the home page of this site there are links to three such projects are given. Let us look into them individually. WEATHER INSTRUMENTS AND MAPS CLIMATE OF INDIA CULTURAL HERITAGE OF KORAPUT DISTRICT

An innovative project carried out in JNV, Koraput on “Weather Instruments and Maps”. Students of class XI divided into groups and different tasks were given to them. This page was created by one of the group of students. The final resources created by all the groups are uploaded into the front page. There are other pages like participants, temperature, humidity, precipitation, video etc.

13 PARTICIPANTS This page provides the list of participants and their division into different groups in the project.

14 TEMPERATURE A mini weather station was established in the school and data on temperature, humidity and rainfall were recorded and analyzed. The collected data have been uploaded into this page. Students of other groups collected data of other places and comparative analysis of those data with that of their was prepared.

15 HUMITITY The data on humidity condition of JNV, Koraput was collected by using wet and dry bulb thermometer and uploaded to this page. Students of other groups worked on the comparative analysis with other station i.e. project uploaded into homepage.

16 PRECIPITATION This page indicate the rainfall condition of the place. The comparative analysis with the rainfall condition of other places is uploaded by other group i.e. Homepage group project.

17 VIDEOS Students tried to demonstrate the use of different weather instruments through a play which has been recorded and uploaded to youtube. This page contain such videos. Other groups also assigned to create blog page in and their final output is given in the front page of this web site.

18 CLIMATE OF INDIA An innovative project carried out in JNV, Koraput on “Climate of India” Students of Class IX and XI are the participants. There are number of pages in this pages which contains resource materials generated during the project. The pages of this site are: Diversities, Factors, Seasons, Precipitation, Global Warming, Assignments and Syllabus. Lets discuss about each page.

19 CLIMATIC DIVERSITIES This page provides resource materials of the climatic diversities of India. Students were asked to conduct comparative analysis of the climate of different parts of the country.

There a number of factors that affect the climate of India. This page was created by students with the guidance of teacher provide details of those factors. Comparative analysis carried by students are uploaded to this site.

21 SEASONS The Rhythm of seasons prevail over India and the changing weather system were worked out by students are uploaded to this site. A template is prepared for students has been uploaded to this page for preparation of their presentation.

The distribution of rainfall over India is uneven. It has been depicted with a diagram in this page. Assignments were given to students to find out the condition of rainfall in different parts of India.

23 GLOBAL WARMING Climate change and Global warming is major concern now a days. This page provide links to resource materials collected by students in this regards.

24 ASSIGNMENT During the project period the whole class was divided into different groups and students were given different assignments. All those assignments given to students in group are uploaded this page.

25 SYLLABUS The syllabus prescribed by CBSE has been uploaded to this page for reference during the project.

This is an on going innovative project started with collaboration from the different schools and tribal museum of Koraput in order to Preserve, Protect and Document cultural heritage of Koraput district Koraput is a tribal dominated and naxal infected backward district of Orissa with rich cultural heritage. The aim of the project is to preserve the intangible heritage in the web page created and tangible heritage in the mini museum to be created in each school. The home page contain detail description about the project and links to other pages i.e. Folklore, Folksongs, Festival, Religion, Art & Craft, Artifacts, Medicine and Meetings.

27 FOLKLORE & FOLKSONGS The project starts with a meeting of teachers and students of around 15 schools of the district in Tribal Museum known as “Dongar Meet”. They were trained to collect folklore and songs and document them and uploaded to the web page. Some of the folksongs were recorded and uploaded to this page.

28 FESTIVALS There are many festivals observed in this region which are unique to this area. Students from different schools collected information about those festivals and uploaded to this page. Some of the festivals have been recorded and photographs are likely to be uploaded soon.

29 RELIGION Tribal religious rituals are different then the traditional mainstream religion. This page is dedicated for documentation of such religious activities. Students from different schools have uploaded photographs and writings about such activities.

30 ART & CRAFT Photographs of traditional art and craft collected by students of different schools are uploaded by them to this page. Most of these materials are preserved in their mini museum created in the school.

31 ARTIFACTS Photographs of artifacts collected by students of different schools are uploaded by them to this page. Most of these materials are preserved in their mini museum created in the school.

32 TRADITIONAL MEDICINE There are some plants traditionally used by the tribals for the cure of some diseases. This page is dedicated to document those plants. Participants have uploaded some photographs and documented their uses in this page.

33 Meetings Meetings among teachers and students are essential to motivate them for achieving the goal of the project. The face to face meeting was conducted on 12 January 2011 in Tribal museum. There are also some schedule meetings of teachers. With active cooperation from tribal museum an exhibition is also going to be organized with exciting prizes. There are also some online conferences organized among students of different schools by using skype.

34 ORIENTATION COURSE Inspired by the web page for geography resources teachers participated during Orientation course in Bilaspur, Chhatisgarh in May 2011 have also created their own web page. All the resource materials generated during the orientation course were uploaded this page and regularly updating since then. The creation of this web page was guided by Mr. Ashutosh K. Mishra, PGT-geography, JNV, Koraput. This web site is preferred then other interactive web page because there is no restriction in viewing and downloading resources from this site.

35 Heartiest Thanks to Mr. S. K. Tripathy, Principal JNV, Koraput
All Participating Teachers & Students All those Inspired me to Carry out Innovation in Teaching.

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