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They Gladly Received The Word

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1 They Gladly Received The Word
9/26/2010 am They Gladly Received The Word Acts 2:36-41 Chris Simmons

2 “They gladly received his word”
9/26/2010 am “They gladly received his word” The impact God’s word has on your life depends on how you receive it. The “power” is there – will we take advantage of it? Romans 1:16 Paul referred to the transforming power of the gospel (Romans 12:1-2) Chris Simmons

3 Every changed life in the NT…
9/26/2010 am Every changed life in the NT… Began with the preaching of the gospel - Acts 2:38-42; 3:12ff; 8:4-13; 8:35-40; 9:16 & 22:14-16; 10:24ff; 11:19-25; 16:13-15; 16:30-34, etc… No other way to obtain biblical faith. Romans 10:17 Chris Simmons

4 Same Seed – Different Soils
The varying results in the parable of the sower are because the soils in which the seed was sown were different. (Matthew 13:18-23) Taken away Driven out Rendered unproductive Bear fruit Chris Simmons

5 Fallow ground… Some hearts are unprepared to receive God’s truth.
9/26/2010 am Fallow ground… Some hearts are unprepared to receive God’s truth. Hosea 10:12; Jeremiah 4:3 – “break up your fallow ground” Chris Simmons

6 Fallow ground… Defined as: “uncultivated, inactive & unseeded,”
9/26/2010 am Fallow ground… Defined as: “uncultivated, inactive & unseeded,” “undeveloped but potentially useful.” Soil that has become hardened, often overgrown with weeds and incapable of receiving the seed without diligent preparation Chris Simmons

7 Two perspectives One – others.
9/26/2010 am Two perspectives One – others. Have I given up on reaching the fallow ground in the world I live in? Do I lack faith? Have I grown indifferent? Jer. 6:14-15 Do I practice and support teaching/ preaching that seeks to pierce the hearts of men? Acts 2:37 Chris Simmons

8 Two perspectives Two – myself.
9/26/2010 am Two perspectives Two – myself. How do I keep my own heart from becoming hardened & impenetrable? Self examination? 2 Corinthians 13:5 Maintaining a love for truth? 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 Do I practice continual reseeding? James 1:21 James 1:21 Therefore putting aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness, in humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls. Chris Simmons

9 It’s about how you receive God’s word!
9/26/2010 am It’s about how you receive God’s word! It’s a choice! Jeremiah 35:12-13, “‘Will you not receive instruction by listening to My words?’, declares the Lord.” How we receive God’s word will determine how it will impact our lives. Chris Simmons

10 We must receive it as being divinely inspired
9/26/2010 am We must receive it as being divinely inspired Not just wise sayings and commentary. 1 Thessalonians 2:13, “…when you received from us the word of God's message, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God…” Many today try to promote the Bible as simply being a collection of wise sayings and others accept what Jesus said as being divine but categorize what the apostles wrote as simply human commentary. Paul wrote to the Thessalonians and said in 1 Thess. 2:13, “And for this reason we also constantly thank God that when you received from us the word of God's message, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God, which also performs its work in you who believe.” There is no power in the gospel if it is simply of man. That includes that writings of the apostles who were promised that the Holy Spirit would guide them into “all truth” (John 16:13), who attributed their message not to human sources but to divine revelation (Eph. 3:3-5; Gal. 1:11-12). Thus, Paul stated regarding the message he preached, “If anyone thinks he is a prophet or spiritual, let him recognize that the things which I write to you are the Lord's commandment” (1 Cor 14:37). Peter also wrote regarding his message, “This is now, beloved, the second letter I am writing to you in which I am stirring up your sincere mind by way of reminder, that you should remember the words spoken beforehand by the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and Savior spoken by your apostles” (2 Peter 3:1-2). Chris Simmons

11 We must receive it with a spiritual mindset
9/26/2010 am We must receive it with a spiritual mindset The truth of God’s word will never take root in the heart of anyone with a fleshly/carnal mindset. 1 Corinthians 2:12-14; 3:1-3. Is our mind set on the “things above” or on the things that are on earth? Colossians 3:1-2 How is our spiritual appetite? Acts 17:11 Many today try to promote the Bible as simply being a collection of wise sayings and others accept what Jesus said as being divine but categorize what the apostles wrote as simply human commentary. Paul wrote to the Thessalonians and said in 1 Thess. 2:13, “And for this reason we also constantly thank God that when you received from us the word of God's message, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God, which also performs its work in you who believe.” There is no power in the gospel if it is simply of man. That includes that writings of the apostles who were promised that the Holy Spirit would guide them into “all truth” (John 16:13), who attributed their message not to human sources but to divine revelation (Eph. 3:3-5; Gal. 1:11-12). Thus, Paul stated regarding the message he preached, “If anyone thinks he is a prophet or spiritual, let him recognize that the things which I write to you are the Lord's commandment” (1 Cor 14:37). Peter also wrote regarding his message, “This is now, beloved, the second letter I am writing to you in which I am stirring up your sincere mind by way of reminder, that you should remember the words spoken beforehand by the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and Savior spoken by your apostles” (2 Peter 3:1-2). Chris Simmons

12 We must receive it with continual sense of humility
9/26/2010 am We must receive it with continual sense of humility James 1:21, “…in humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls.” Is there any “yeah, but” in us? It’s how we draw near to God. James 4:6-10 Humility must precede exaltation. 1 Peter 5:6 We read in James 1:21, “Therefore putting aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness, in humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls.” It does us no good to hear God’s word preached with a “yeah, but…” attitude in which we establish that we think we know better than God does. James goes on later in his letter to say, “But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, ‘God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’ Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Be miserable and mourn and weep; let your laughter be turned into mourning, and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you” (James 4:6-10). If we are willing to subject ourselves to God’s word, He has promised to exalt us at the “proper time” (1 Peter 5:6). Chris Simmons

13 We must receive it with resolve to act upon it.
9/26/2010 am We must receive it with resolve to act upon it. “Effectual doers” and not just “forgetful hearers” are those who are blessed by God. James 1:22-25 Example of those on the day of Pentecost. Acts 2:37-41. Does the call of the Lord in Revelation 3:1-3 apply to us? “…Remember therefore what you have received and heard; and keep it, and repent…” We read in James 1:21, “Therefore putting aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness, in humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls.” It does us no good to hear God’s word preached with a “yeah, but…” attitude in which we establish that we think we know better than God does. James goes on later in his letter to say, “But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, ‘God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’ Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Be miserable and mourn and weep; let your laughter be turned into mourning, and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you” (James 4:6-10). If we are willing to subject ourselves to God’s word, He has promised to exalt us at the “proper time” (1 Peter 5:6). Chris Simmons

14 We must receive it with determination to endure until the end.
9/26/2010 am We must receive it with determination to endure until the end. We will be tested – how badly do we want it? 1 Thessalonians 1:6-7 Because of the nature of our hope. 1 Peter 1:4; Romans 8:18. The rocky soil – Mark 4:16-17 Hebrews 10:32ff; 1 Corinthians 15:1-2 We read in James 1:21, “Therefore putting aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness, in humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls.” It does us no good to hear God’s word preached with a “yeah, but…” attitude in which we establish that we think we know better than God does. James goes on later in his letter to say, “But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, ‘God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’ Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Be miserable and mourn and weep; let your laughter be turned into mourning, and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you” (James 4:6-10). If we are willing to subject ourselves to God’s word, He has promised to exalt us at the “proper time” (1 Peter 5:6). Chris Simmons

15 We must receive it continually.
9/26/2010 am We must receive it continually. Do we have a continual longing for it? Peter 2:1-2 Is it a daily part of our lives that is as important as eating? Do we ever see a place or time to stop growing? 2 Peter 1:5-6 Is it our “delight” to study? Psalms 111:1-2; 119:12-16 We read in James 1:21, “Therefore putting aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness, in humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls.” It does us no good to hear God’s word preached with a “yeah, but…” attitude in which we establish that we think we know better than God does. James goes on later in his letter to say, “But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, ‘God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’ Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Be miserable and mourn and weep; let your laughter be turned into mourning, and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you” (James 4:6-10). If we are willing to subject ourselves to God’s word, He has promised to exalt us at the “proper time” (1 Peter 5:6). Chris Simmons

16 It is no understatement to say that our eternal destiny depends upon how we receive His word.
John 12:48, “He who rejects Me, and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day.”

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