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The other ESS the European Social Survey and the European Statistical System NTTS conference 2017 Ineke Stoop.

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Presentation on theme: "The other ESS the European Social Survey and the European Statistical System NTTS conference 2017 Ineke Stoop."— Presentation transcript:

1 The other ESS the European Social Survey and the European Statistical System
NTTS conference 2017 Ineke Stoop

2 European Statistical System European Social Survey
What do they have in common? How do they differ? NTTS conference| Brussels | March 2017

3 European Statistical System European Social Survey
What do they have in common? How do they differ? NTTS conference| Brussels | March 2017

4 What do they have in common?
High standards Maximising accuracy Definitions Target population Concepts Guidelines and instructions Transparancy and documentation NTTS conference| Brussels | March 2017

5 How do they differ: organisation
European Social Survey European Research Infrastructure Consortium Participation voluntary Academic survey National contribution for overhead Central coordination NTTS conference| Brussels | March 2017

6 How do they differ: sources
European Statistical System: multiple sources Surveys Register/admin data Big data European Social Survey: survey and auxiliary sources Survey data Aggregate regional data Events during fieldwork Contact form data Sample file data (restricted) NTTS conference| Brussels | March 2017

7 How do they differ: quality targets
European Social Survey Optimal comparability Input harmonisation Single mode (face-to-face) Identical questionnaire (translated) Survey period? NTTS conference| Brussels | March 2017

8 How do they differ: topics
European Statistical System (surveys) (Business surveys) Socio-demographic data Behaviour Attitudes, opinions Objective? European Social Survey Academic competion question modules Attitudes, opinions, values Behavioural patterns Subjective? NTTS conference| Brussels | March 2017

9 How do they differ: coverage
European Statistical System EU, EFTA, accession countries Target population varies European Social Survey European countries (including Russia, Turkey, Israel) Population 15+ Translated questionnaire for language minorities > 5% Country coverage dependent on national funding Small samples NTTS conference| Brussels | March 2017

10 How do they differ: control
European Statistical System Output harmonisation Peer reviews European Social Survey Input harmonisation Central co-ordination Central control Sign-off fieldwork plans Sign-off sampling design Verification translation Central analysis contact forms NTTS conference| Brussels | March 2017

11 ESS Spec: Fieldwork monitoring
Fieldwork monitoring survey agencies Survey agencies should closely monitor the progress of fieldwork and provide information to the National Coordinator to allow reporting to the Core Scientific Team (CST) on at least a weekly basis (fortnightly if fieldwork planned to take longer than 10 weeks) National Coordinator forwards progress reports to CST Documents on NC intranet ESS Round 8 guidelines on fieldwork progress reporting ESS fieldwork progress at Round 7and projections for Round 8 Under development: Fieldwork Management and Monitoring System a mobile application for interviewers online centralised case management system survey agencies, NCs and fieldwork monitors within the CST NTTS conference| Brussels | March 2017

12 ESS Spec: Fieldwork monitoring
Survey agencies should closely monitor the progress of fieldwork and provide information to the NC to allow reporting to the CST on at least a weekly basis (fortnightly if fieldwork planned to take longer than 10 weeks) Documents on NC intranet ESS Round 8 guidelines on fieldwork progress reporting ESS fieldwork progress at Round 7and projections for Round 8 Under development: Fieldwork Management and Monitoring System a mobile application for interviewers online centralised case management system survey agencies, NCs and fieldwork monitors within the CST NTTS conference| Brussels | March 2017

13 Interviewer effects Graph: Koen Beullens KU Leuven
NTTS conference| Brussels | March 2017

14 Fieldwork period and efforts
Graph: Koen Beullens KU Leuven NTTS conference| Brussels | March 2017

15 Response outcomes European Social Survey, R5
Report on quality assessment of contact data files in Round 5: Final report 27 countries, Hideko Matsuo and Geert Loosveldt, Working paper Centre for Sociological Research (CeSO) Survey Methodology CeSO/SM/2013-3

16 Response outcomes EU SILC 2010

17 How do they differ: main products
European Statistical System Statistics Indicators Micro-data European Social Survey NTTS conference| Brussels | March 2017

18 How do they differ: users
European Statistical System Policy-makers Citizens Industry Academics Media European Social Survey NTTS conference| Brussels | March 2017

19 ESS top data user countries (n>100)
ESS top data user countries (n>100) (December 2016) (N=100,600) (Nc=235)

20 NTTS conference| Brussels | 13-17 March 2017
European Statistical System European Social Survey NTTS conference| Brussels | March 2017

21 Thank you for your attention
NTTS conference| Brussels | March 2017 Thank you for your attention

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