International Staff Training Week May 08, 2017

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1 International Staff Training Week May 08, 2017
From ERASMUS to Erasmus+. New Perspectives in European Higher Education International Staff Training Week May 08, 2017

2 ERASMUS yesterday, today & tomorrow
Christina Bohle

3 ERASMUS yesterday, today & tomorrow
ERASMUS = “EuRopean Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students”, July 1, 1987 >> Program for the Higher Education, first independent, then part of SOCRATES ( )/ Lifelong Learning Program ( ) Since 2014: Erasmus+ Christina Bohle

4 ERASMUS – What is it about?
Programme-specific objectives Improvement of key competences and skills Strengthening of quality assurance in all fields of education Support of the international dimension Christina Bohle

5 ERASMUS – What is it about?
FOCUS: STUDENT MOBILITY 1987: students from 11 European countries studied abroad with the programme By 2014: more than 3 million students have taken part in the mobility programme 95 % of ERASMUS students consider that they improved their knowledge of the host country‘s culture and society by going abroad 83 % say that their sense of European citizenship and perspective was increased. Christina Bohle

6 30 Years of ERASMUS in Germany
Wer sich bewegt, bewegt Europa! 30 Years of ERASMUS in Germany Enriching lives, opening minds for 30 Years Christina Bohle

7 ERASMUS Student Mobilities in Germany
1987: 2000 (SOCRATES): 2007 (LLP): 2014: Christina Bohle

8 ERASMUS IN GERMANY Life Long Learning Program 2007-2013

9 ERASMUS IN GERMANY: Life Long Learning Program 2007-2013
STAFF MOBILITIY Incentives: Experience & new ideas Professional Network Internationalized CV Language Competences a.s.o. aS WELL INCREASE THOUGH THE NIMBERS ARE BY FAR NOT ENOUGH; ESP. STAFF MOBILITIES FOR TRAINING ARE FAR BEHIND THE POSSIBILITIES Christina Bohle

10 Erasmus+ ERAsmus – which is a key elemement as well as key instrument in all internationalization! Christina Bohle

11 Erasmus+ Programme Structure In Higher Education
Key Action 1 Mobility Students Graduates Staff Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees Key Action 2 Partnerships Strategic Partnerships Knowledge Alliances Capacity Building projects Key Action 3 Policy Support European reform agendas and EU policy dialogues TODAY; WE WILL BE TALKING ABOUT KEY ACTION 1; ON FRIDAY I WILL GIVE YOU A PRESENTATION ON KEY ACTION 2, PREPARED BY OUR NATIONAL AGENCY, TO GIVE YOU SOME IDEAS OF WHAT MAY BE POSSIBLE THERE. Christina Bohle

12 Erasmus+ in Germany Development of Budget 70.277 200 EUR
Christina Bohle

13 Erasmus+ in Germany Student Mobilities 2014 Bachelor: SMS: 22.891
SMP: 5.597 Master: SMS: 7.812 SMP: 2.330 Christina Bohle

14 ERASMUS What Next? Christina Bohle

15 EU Commission Open Public Consultation on the mid-term evaluation of the Erasmus+ Programme
Status: Open Field: Erasmus + Programme Target group: General public/stakeholders Period of Consultation: 28/02 - 31/05/2017 Objective: perspectives on the relevance of the Erasmus+ programme's objectives, the effectiveness of the measures taken to achieve them and the efficiency of their implementation. coherence of the programme and its added value Results: expected at the end of 2017 Christina Bohle

16 EU Commission Open Public Consultation on the mid-term evaluation of the Erasmus+ Programme
The questionnaire contains forward looking questions regarding a possible successor programme to Erasmus+ in 2020 Possible areas: further development of International Credit Mobility extension of Online Linguistic Support to include 100,000 refugees stronger focus on social inclusion, esp. in Strategic Partnerships Consultation document: The consultation is hosted in an online questionnaire:   Christina Bohle

17 Thank you! Christina Bohle Philipps-Universität Marburg
International Office – European Office Deutschhausstr , D Marburg

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