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RHICf Japan meeting General status

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1 RHICf Japan meeting General status
Takashi SAKO 18 (-19) Oct 2016 @ Nagoya University

2 Schedule until run (+ end)
Sep 2016 Preparation in labo. Sako, Nakagawa, Junsang, Minho, Satoken Oct 2016 Installation rehearsal Goto, Nakagawa, Menjo, Junsang, Minho, Satoken Nov 2016 Installation and commissioning Goto, Nakagawa, Sako, Junsang, Zhou, Minho, Satoken Dec 2016 Jan 2017 Feb 2017 Commissioning with collisions Same as above + Ueno, Shinoda Mar 2017 Apr 2017 Final tuning May 2017 Physics data taking Jun 2017 Jul 2017 Uninstallation (Graduate students active in 2017 are marked in red)

3 Top panel modification and manipulation
Bill: RHICf can stay at garage if we confirm it does not interfere with ZDC JH: understands radiation damage must be considered RHICf must decide if we WANT to stay there until run

4 FINAL PLAN Electronics, Power Supply, Frontend PC (Network ports: 5 + few spares) Idea updated on 15-Sep-2016 RHICf detector This is original plan Terminal & analysis PCs (somewhere in the room) (Network ports: 3 + few spares) MIDAS and storage server (somewhere in the room) (1 Network port)

5 Preparation for installation
Mechanical check => successful on 3-Oct. Cabling Length measurement by JH, Steve and Sako = 100 ft (30m) including 10% margin Cables are ordered, and to be ready by the end of Oct (4,000 USD covered by Nichibei budget) Extension HV cable (20m) ready in Nagoya IP addresses for network devices are already assigned (local DAQ network. How to connect to outside?) Installation and commissioning works were reviewed and approved in the STAR OP meeting on 15-Sep

6 Discussion with Ogawa on 14-Sep
Quick asymmetry analysis using ZDC data ZDC counting rates are recorded independently from the triggered events, and usually these are used for quick analysis of polarimeter There are various channels taking into account of the SMD information Ernst takes care of this analysis and participation of RHICf members will be the best way Nakagawa-san will contact to Ernst first Quick analysis of RHICf-STAR data Usually STAR keeps event built data in the local disk at 10Hz rate. Full data is stored in the remote disk and they do not access it for a quick analysis. They have a possibility of increasing 10Hz to more because of low event rate and short operation period (Jeff will take care) RHICf must first decide what event rate we need for quick check. Suzuki-san’s study of RHICf-ZDC correlation may be useful. Zhangbu agreed RHICf members have STAR account to access STAR data (14-Oct).

7 MC home works How much event rate is necessary to quick check the common data taking with STAR? Correlation between RHICf and ZDC may be useful Can we stay at garage if it is allowed? Need energy deposit per collision at the shower maximum 100 Gy after integrating over expected integral luminosity is limit (After 100Gy, GSO scintillator gradualy increases output, and it saturates at +20% above 1kGy. ‘Damage’ appears only above 1MGy.)


9 Plans from November 1-5: installation & cabling (mechanical works)
7: joint meeting 8-12: early commissioning Trigger MIDAS 14-19: deep commissioning MIDAS tuning joint DAQ test with STAR Online analysis 21-26: more for software 28-2: backup & uninstall (TBD)

10 Installation (First week)
Long cabling by STAR engineers Electronics installation in to the rack (RHICf crew) Detector installation Short cabling around the detector, and rack Powering step-by-step To work in the tunnel, we need RadWorker and Collider User trainings, and TLD issued To work around the rack, we need the Collider User Training (Zhou should take it)

11 2nd week: early commissioning
Pedestal data taking w and w/o HV Offset adjustment to avoid underflow Noise reduction if necessary and possible Data taking with MIDAS Pedestal LED signal (timing adjustment) Work with STAR (anytime STAR experts are available) Signal exchange with STAR Modification of MIDAS (To send RHICf data to STAR/To control RHICf data taking from STAR, Tonko is optimistic.) Discussion and exercize on how to handle STAR data

12 3rd week: deep commissioning
MIDAS data taking using STAR signal Trigger using bunch clock Adjust delay to probable value (rehearsal for fine tuning) Quick analysis Tune MIDAS analyzer and event monitor Feeding dummy data? (preparing frontend providing dummy data in advance) Slow control HV control/monitor/display/alert LV control/monitor/display/alert Temperature readout/monitor/display/alert

13 LHCf Event Monitor LHCf Slow Control

14 4th week: continue (margin)
Software work of hardware trouble shooting if necessary 5th week: prepare for closing We must decide if we install the detector Shipping CAEN mainframe to Italy for repair

15 After January, commissioning with collisions
Fine tuning of the trigger timing using real collision events Access to the electronics is not possible We must setup oscilloscope and FPGA carefully Fine tuning of software Exercise in polarimeter analysis Event display Slow control Offline analysis (reconstruction of pi0, correlation with STAR)

16 Other items Spares Joint meeting with STAR
CAEN mainframe (available after LHCf p-Pb run) Frontend PC (available after LHCf p-Pb run) Main storage and MIDAS server KEYTHLEY (ordered, available mid-Nov) Joint meeting with STAR 7-Nov at BNL Technical paper to advertise the experiment?

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