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Presentation on theme: "THE BOG PEOPLE."— Presentation transcript:



3 MUMMIES IN EUROPE Mummies have also been found in the swamps of Europe preserved unintentionally in the peat moss Most of the people were drown in the swamps for heinous crimes


5 SEAMUS HEANEY The author of “Punishment”
Born in 1939 and raised in Ireland Received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1995 Interested in the events of the past Compared with Yeats

6 “PUNISHMENT” I can feel the tug, of the halter at the nape of her neck, the wind on her naked front. It blows her nipples to amber beads, it shakes the frail rigging of her ribs. I can see her drowned body in the bog, the weighing stone, the floating rods and boughs. Under which at first she was a barked sapling that is dug up oak-bone, brain-firkin: Her shaved head like a stubble of black corn, her blindfold a soiled bandage, her noose a ring To store the memories of love. Little adultress, before they punished you You were flaxen-haired, undernourished, and your tar-black face was beautiful. My poor scapegoat, I almost love you but would have cast, I know, the stones of silence. I am the artful voyeur of your brain’s exposed and darkened combs, your muscles’ webbing and all your numbered bones: I who have stood dumb when your betraying sisters, cauled in tar, wept by the railings, Who would connive in civilized outrage yet understand the exact and tribal, intimate revenge.

7 Critical Thinking Questions
Why do you think Seamus Heaney was so interested in the Bog People? Do you think this was a just punishment for the crime of adultery? Why do you think half of her head was shaven? What is the theme of this poem? What are some literary devices that are important in this poem?

8 FOR TONIGHT Go on the internet and find one interesting fact about the Bog People, that we have not discussed in class. Take your one fact and put it into a two slide PowerPoint presentation for class tomorrow. Finish completing the critical thinking question worksheet on “Punishment.”

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