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Physics and Performance Evaluation Group: Status and plans

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1 Physics and Performance Evaluation Group: Status and plans
IDS-NF Plenary meeting RAL, United Kingdom January 17, Walter Winter Universität Würzburg (somewhat biased view) on behalf of the executive committee: Andrea Donini, Patrick Huber, Silvia Pascoli, Walter Winter, Osamu Yasuda

2 Contents PPEG mandate Status and IDS baseline
Test of alternative setups: The PPEG‘s playground Comparison to competitors Website, Euronus Plans January 17, 2008 - PPEG

3 IDS Physics and Performance Evaluation Group (PPEG)
… will continue the activities of the ISS physics working group. First phase: focus on the performance of the various neutrino facilities. At a later stage: focus shifted towards the physics case for a neutrino factory Executive committee: Andrea Donini, Patrick Huber, Silvia Pascoli, Walter Winter, Osamu Yasuda Tasks: Coordinate physics performance study Website Interface with accelerator and detector WG (possibly) Workshops Report January 17, 2008 - PPEG

4 From ISS to IDS ISS physics IDS PPEG Theory Phenomenology Experimental
Optimization/ parameters for standard physics Here? Phenomenology TIME Experimental Additions for NS physics/ requirements for muon experiments Muon physics REPORT Concise physics case January 17, 2008 - PPEG

5 Why need another physics WG?
Baseline design has to be evaluated and further developed in discussion with other WGs Evaluation of new ideas, especially for large q13, such as NF+SB, NF-SB, off-axis NF, etc. Comparison to alternatives: beta beams etc. Define requirements for non-standard physics measurements, e.g., silver channel, etc. Include requirements for muon physics and how these interact with the oscillation program Physics performance evaluation (initial phase) January 17, 2008 - PPEG

6 Physics performance evaluation
Main purpose of the PPEG: Evaluate the physics performance of a given experimental setup (neutrino factory or other, existing or planned) in a transparent, consistent and documented fashion. Transparent: Clearly state Definition of performance indicator Approximations used Chosen input parameters, luminosity etc. Confidence level Treatment of systematics Consistent: Assumptions should be on equal footing Documented: Relevant information will be archived and will be accessible. Use of a website. January 17, 2008 - PPEG

7 Definition of parameters
Neutrino factory setup: all the parameters are defined in strict collaboration with the detector and accelerator WG of the IDS Need of a defined and efficient communication between the various WGs (steering group?) There will be different types of setups: a) Baseline setup: stable, agreed design b) Conservative modification of 1. – e.g. different baseline etc. g) Speculative ideas, e.g. new ideas Beta beam setups: possibly follow a similar procedure as for neutrino factory, working in collaboration with beta-beam groups; yet undefined! Super-beam setups: use of existing literature and input of well-established and recognized experts January 17, 2008 - PPEG

8 Status First version of baseline setup evaluated
First version of webpage online Start of discussion of requirements for non-standard physics Keep track of new developments, such as low-E neutrino factory Keep track of „competitors“, e.g., achievable beta beam luminosities January 17, 2008 - PPEG

9 IDS baseline setup ? IDS baseline 0.10 evaluated! P. Huber (plenary)
January 17, 2008 - PPEG

10 IDS baseline: Luminosity
Luminosity ~ Useful muon decays x detector mass x running time Luminosity critical for Physics potential Optimization Accelerator Detector(s) January 17, 2008 - PPEG

11 IDS baseline: other critical parameters
Detection efficiency versus backgrounds: Is it better to have smaller BGs (small q13?) or higher efficiencies (large q13?) How small can the threshold be? Impact of systematics? January 17, 2008 - PPEG

12 IDS baseline iteration procedure? … from the PPEG point of view
Avoid quick changes; changes should be adiabatic Change request from working group as a whole Twice-a-year (?) review of baseline setup by steering group? Each change with significant impact on physics potential has to be justified Session in plenary meeting devoted to discussing changes of baseline? Specific responsible persons from each WG? January 17, 2008 - PPEG

13 b/g-setups: The PPEG‘s playground?
PPEG needs some mechanism to evaluate and compare to Modifications/the optimization of the IDS baseline from the physics point of view New developments (such as low-E neutrino factory) Competitors Here: b-setups for modifications (such as different baseline), g-setups for new developments The mechanism how to choose competitor setups (superbeams, beta beams) needs some refinement, possibly in collaboration with Euronus January 17, 2008 - PPEG

14 Example (b): Choice of std. baselines?
All regions: Sensitivity for sin22q13> (5s) for the shown performance indicator Compared to IDS baseline: ~ factor 2 higher luminosity, Em =50 GeV Robust optimum for ~ km (not <= 3000 km!) Preliminary How does that look like for IDS baseline? January 17, 2008 - PPEG (Kopp, Ota, Winter, in prep.)

15 Example (b): Minimum Em for NSI?
IDS baseline? High-E NF IDS baseline? High-E NF Preliminary Higher muon energy helps; low-E NF not an option Silver channel: Not relevant for IDS baseline; helps for Em ~ 50 GeV (Kopp, Ota, Winter, in prep.) January 17, 2008 - PPEG

16 Example (g): Low-energy NF
BASIC: (5 years)  (3  1020 useful decays/yr)  (2 signs)  (20Kt fid. Mass) = 31022 Kt-decays (2 signs) BETTER: (10 years)  (5  1020 useful decays/yr)  (2 signs)  (20Kt fid. Mass) = 11023 Kt-decays (2 signs) Excellent threshold! Em ~ 4 GeV Red (no backgrounds) Dotted - 1 X 1023 KT-years Solid – 3 X 1022 KT-years Black 10-3) Short dash - 1 X 1023 KT-years Long dash – 3 X 1022 KT-years Talk by Alan Bross January 17, 2008 - PPEG

17 Comparison to „competitors“: Superbeams
Superbeam upgrades could compete with neutrino factory for large q13 For large q13, CP violation is the only relevant matter! But, Huber: Super-beams are „super“ not only because of the target power, detector mass etc., but also because of the price! Talk by P. Huber January 17, 2008 - PPEG

18 Beta beams: Luminosity?
ISOL method at 1-2 GeV (200 kW) > He per second < Ne per second 8Li and 8B not studied Studied within EURISOL Direct production > (?) 6He per second Ne per second Studied at LLN, Soreq, WI and GANIL Production ring 1014 (?) 8Li >1013 (?) 8B 6He and 18Ne not studied Will be studied in the future 1 GeV p p n 2 3 8 U 1 F r + spallation L i X fragmentation 4 C s Y fission Talk by M. Lindroos Factor of 10 beyond current std. luminosities? RAL January 2008 The beta-beam task, EURISOL Beta-beam requirements, 18

19 Peak of spectrum ~ matter resonance E
Higher g beta beams q13 = 5º d = 0, 90, -90º g ~ 350 CERN implementation with two baselines 2000km km 7000km Normal Hierarchy Peak of spectrum ~ matter resonance E 7000km Inverted Hierarchy “Nominal” 2·1018 decays/year “Medium” 5·1018 decays/year “Ultimate” 10·1018 decays/year January 17, 2008 - PPEG E. Fernandez-Martinez

20 Systematics task force?
Knowledge on cross sections better for high than low neutrino energies Important issue especially for superbeams How does that look like for a neutrino factory? What SG/BG uncertainties do we expect? Talk by M. Sorel From P. Huber‘s talk January 17, 2008 - PPEG

21 PPEG Website The PPEG has already setup a website: Webpage to do: Incorporate and document IDS baseline; possibly: glb-files (GLoBES), curves as data? Discuss and document b and g setups Cross-links to useful documents? Move together with main IDS site??? January 17, 2008 - PPEG

22 Connection to Euronus A. Donini January 17, 2008 - PPEG

23 Questions to be addressed
Robustness of conclusions wrt luminosity etc.? Does the far baseline detector have to be as good as MIND? What about the luminosity splitting? Why did the performance become worse for large q13? How to fix that? Two baseline optimization? Minimum muon energy for NSI, silver channel, near detector physics (such as pol. structure functions)? Physics case for silver detector? Large q13 strategy: how to deal with Double Chooz etc.? Include more theory people to support physics case? January 17, 2008 - PPEG

24 Plans until NuFact Update website
Two-baseline optimization, NSI requirements Check baseline: performance for large q13, etc. Possibly add figures for other performance indicators (such as q23, Dm312) Follow developments for beta beams, superbeams, etc. Possibly provide figures for different detector systematics (BG versus threshold) Possibly provide figures with competitor comparison January 17, 2008 - PPEG

25 Summary and conclusions
Mandate: Continutation of ISS, focus on physics performance First version of ISS baseline evaluated Baseline optimization, muon energy requirement have to be checked Several procedure/strategies should be thought over: Baseline iteration (with other WGs) Large q13 strategy Physics case for the ECC Selection of competitor setups Inclusion of theory at earlier stage? Create a „systematics task force“? How does that relate to Euronu? January 17, 2008 - PPEG

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