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Promoting media and information literacy in libraries

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1 Promoting media and information literacy in libraries
Frank Huysmans University of Amsterdam 20/06/2016 Presentation for the Committee on Culture and Education

2 Structure of the Presentation
Media & Information Literacy (MIL) Public libraries and MIL Policy approaches to MIL What we know about effectiveness Conclusion 20/06/2016 Presentation for the Committee on Culture and Education

3 1. Media & Information Literacy (MIL)
Media literacy ability to critically engage with media and mediated content knowledge, skills, attitudes, ethics Information literacy recognize information needs locate, evaluate and use information for personal goals Common ground and differences coming from separate traditions (academic/practice) media literacy and information literacy connected following digitization of media and information 20/06/2016 Presentation for the Committee on Culture and Education

4 2. Public libraries and MIL
Promoting information literacy from 1970s onwards assist learners and teachers in finding and evaluating sources of textual information Enhancing media literacy starting second half of 1990s: ‘digital skills’ / ‘ICT skills’ children vs. adults protection vs. empowerment information & media: access vs. sharing media labs, makerspaces, hackathons etc. 20/06/2016 Presentation for the Committee on Culture and Education

5 3. Policy approaches Library organizations & academic researchers
formalization of information literacy by professionals and scholars recognized by government, integrated in policies Supranational organizations EC & OECD: economic & technological perspective IFLA & UNESCO: social & cultural perspective Moscow Declaration 2012: “MIL is defined as a combination of knowledge, attitudes, skills and practices required to access, analyse, evaluate, use, produce and communicate information and knowledge in creative, legal and ethical ways that respect human rights” 20/06/2016 Presentation for the Committee on Culture and Education

6 4. What we know about effectiveness
Information literacy wealth of research on broader concept ‘information behaviour’ (how do people search for information?) Media literacy in general: evidence not solid yet diverse approaches in theory and method some evidence of effectiveness not much known (yet) of effectiveness of library programs UNESCO’s Global Media and Information Literacy Assessment Framework offers useful framework for comparative research and benchmarking 20/06/2016 Presentation for the Committee on Culture and Education

7 5. Conclusion Unified approach: Media & Information Literacy
support citizens of all ages in acquiring the knowledge, skills, attitudes and ethical stance to become more media and information literate Recommendations recognize full potential public libraries in ET2020 support public libraries (policy, finances) continue working on unified approach of MIL with international and library organizations work towards research program in Horizon 2020, using UNESCO’s Assessment Framework 20/06/2016 Presentation for the Committee on Culture and Education

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