k procvičení pravopisu a výslovnosti

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1 k procvičení pravopisu a výslovnosti
Křížovky a hádanky k procvičení pravopisu a výslovnosti anglických písmen (se zvukovou nahrávkou). autor: Mgr. Soňa Glumbíková

2 Can you find the missing letters? Spell the letters,click on the boxes
J U M P E R clothes F L Y insect R O S E flower G R A N D P A R E N T family member H U R D L E S sport B A K E R Y shop T R A I N transport C A R P E T furniture Can you find the missing letters? Spell the letters,click on the boxes ( always click in the middle of the box) and listen.

3 Spell the result. Click on the boxes, listen and check.
F O R T Y 62 – 22 = F O U R 92 – 88 = F O U R T E E N 9 + 5 = T H O U S A N D 1 675 – 675 = T H I R T Y 87 – 57 = E I G H T 97 – 89 = E I G H T E E N = M I L L I O N = T W O 1 + 1 = H U N D R E D = Can you count? Spell the result. Click on the boxes, listen and check.

4 Spell the letters and click on the boxes and listen.
G opposite of short M E A N opposite of generous F O R T Y number between 39and41 G E R M A N Y Berlin lies in ... G R E E K in Greece they speak.. C A R D I F F the capital of Wales P A S T A Italian meal H O U S E My ..., my castle. Y E L L O W colour Can you find the word? Spell the letters and click on the boxes and listen.

5 Can you find the past tenses?
R E D offer H I T hit F O U N D find S I G N E D sign S P O K E speak H I D hide R E A D read D R A N K drink Can you find the past tenses? Spell the past tense verb. Click on the boxes,listen and check.

6 Spell the word. Click on the boxes, listen and check.
G E R M A N Germany P O L I S H Poland F R E N C H France S W I S S Switzerland S W E D E Sweden E G Y P T I A N Egypt I T A L I A N Italy R U S S I A N Russia C H I N E S E China What nationality? Spell the word. Click on the boxes, listen and check.

7 What letter is... Riddles Click on the correct letter. If your answer
...an insect? A B C D ...a part of the head? E F G H ...a drink? I J K L ...a vegetable? M N O P ...looking for causes? Q R S T ...is a body of water ? U V W X Y Z Riddles Click on the correct letter. If your answer is correct, the yellow field will blink. All the letters are with sounds.

8 zdroje: Autor Neuveden.  [cit ]. Dostupný na WWW: <

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