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Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists

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Presentation on theme: "Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists"— Presentation transcript:

1 Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists
Ratification Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists

2 Ratification 9 of 12 had to ratify the new Constitution
Much opposition

3 Federalists Those who supported the new Constitution were called Federalists Easterners Wealthy Included Washington & Franklin Continental Army veterans

4 Anti-Federalists Those opposed known as Anti-Federalists
Westerners Debtors and those who desired paper money States rights advocates Small farmers Many Revolutionary leaders Main complaint was the lack of a Bill of Rights George Mason

5 Ratification Virginia & New York had not ratified
First to ratify was Delaware 9th ratifies in 1788 New Hampshire Virginia & New York had not ratified lack of these would render the new gov. useless Virginia ratifies 89-79 Madison vs. Patrick Henry in the House of Burgesses

6 Showdown in New York Decisive vote in New York
Hamilton, Madison, & John Jay (Publius) author the Federalist Papers to support ratification 85 Essays in New York Papers in favor of ratification Seen as best source of the founders political beliefs

7 Major Papers Federalist #10 Federalist #51 Federalist #78
most important size will prevent the rise of factions (Madison) Federalist #51 explains Federalism & Checks & balances (Madison) Federalist #78 lays the groundwork for judicial review (Hamilton) Federalist #84 denies the need for a Bill of Rights (Hamilton)

8 The Response Anti-Federalists Papers- written in opposition to ratification George Clinton (Cato) Robert Yates (Brutus) the Federal Farmer (Mercy Otis Warren & Richard Henry Lee) Not as effective N.Y. ratified 30-27

9 A Conservative Revolution
The new government maintained the existing power structure A revolution from the top of society Charles Beard (historian) Constitution written to protect the economic interests of the upper class

10 The Last Holdouts North Carolina & Rhode Island did not ratify until after the new government had taken power would not join w/o a Bill of Rights

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