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Conservation and Me: a memoir

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1 Conservation and Me: a memoir
Saving Water Conservation and Me: a memoir

2 Why do I want to save water?
The land lord for the property that my work is at, during the summer, will water the same patch of grass all day long. I asked my manager for the phone number of the land lord so I could make him aware, and she laughed at me. This made me realized that nobody takes saving water seriously. I decided to do whatever I could to do my part to save water.

3 I only water the lawn 3 times a week and only for 20 minutes.

4 I turn off the water when I’m brushing my teeth.

5 I water my lawn after the sun goes down.

6 I only shower for 10-15 minutes.

7 I bought water efficient appliances.

8 I fixed the leak in my bathtub.

9 I cut my grass longer so water won’t evaporate out of the ground as fast.

10 When it rains I collect the water from my down spout in a barrel and I water my plants with it.

11 I used moisture control potting soil for all my plants
I used moisture control potting soil for all my plants. They don’t need as much water.

12 I tell my friends and family to do the same.

13 Have I made a difference?
First and foremost, my water bill is much lower since making these changes. I have influenced others to make small changes as well. I have a new sense of pride knowing that I am helping make a difference.

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