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Randall Consolidated School District

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1 Randall Consolidated School District
Jena Paszek SPE 644

2 District Profile 4K-8th grade in the building
Feeds into Wilmont High School

3 Strengths Participation rate for students with disabilities on regular or alternate statewide assessments Local State Target 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th grade reading students 100% 99% At or above 95% 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th grade math students

4 Strengths Local State Target
Percent of students with disabilities ages 6-21 served inside the regular class less than 40% of the day 0% 10.01% At or below 9.7% Percent of students with disabilities ages 6-21 served inseparate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/hosiptal placements 1.2% At or below .95%

5 Strenghts Local State Target
Percent of children who were evaluated within 60 days of receiving parental consent for initial evaluation 100% 98.91% Percent of children referred by a birth to three agency prior to age 3, who were found eligible for special education and related services an and LEA, and who had an IEP 99.23%

6 Weaknesses Percentage of student with disabilities who scored at the proficient and advanced levels on regular or alternate statewide assessment Local State Target 5th Grade Reading 8% 15% At or above 19.8% 6th Grade Reading 0% 14% 5th Grade Math 17% 26% At or above 28.2% 6th Grad Math 11% 20%

7 Weaknesses Local State Target
Percent of students with disabilities served inside the regular class 80% or more of the day 55.88% 59.42% At or above 52.5%

8 Recommendations In regards to Indicator 3C, the district is behind the state, especially for 5th and 6th grades. In order to have those students with IEPs reach the advanced and proficient levels, the teachers will need to focus more on preparing these students. They can work on areas of the state test that these students have been struggling with.

9 Recommendations For Indicator 5A, the school is 7% behind the target for having students with a disability served in a regular education classroom for 80% of their day. The school could make better use of their aids, by having them go into the classroom with the students more frequently so the curriculum can reach those students. The school could also put those students all in the same classroom to make it easier to have an aide be working with more than one student.

10 Resources

11 Marian University School of Education
SPE 644 – Special Education Law Assignment 5 Rubric – School District Profile Name: Jena Paszek Cohort: ON01 Comments: Criterion Description Maximum Score Earned Points Required Elements Completed a one-year summary report based on actual data from school district profile using Prezi, Animoto, Word chart, or Powerpoint and uploaded it to the class wiki; included a reflection narrative, focused on weaknesses with recommendations for meeting target areas. 13 Alignment Cited relevant sources, statutes, case law as well as applicable standards. 3 Technical Requirements Information is organized in a logical, clear order; no misspellings or grammatical errors. Included rubric Timeliness Assignment is submitted on or before due date 1 Total 20 /20

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