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How is the concept of parallelism seen in the snake game?

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Presentation on theme: "How is the concept of parallelism seen in the snake game?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How is the concept of parallelism seen in the snake game?

2 History of the Snake Game
Arcade game that originated in the 1970’s and is now considered a classic Players control a snake that roams around Snake eats food while avoiding tail and walls Each time the snake eats the food the tail grows longer

3 Scratch Game Requirements
Snake needs to grow after eatting food Game over when: Snake runs into itself Snake runs into boundaries Keep score Press space or enter to begin Arrows must control the snake Start at position 0,0

4 Variations on Snake Game
Play 3 snake games on Comment in your journal on: Speed of snake Score Growth of snake Size of playing field Added twist to game/rules Annoying parts of game/glitches

5 Parallelism Making things happen at the same time Example:
When snake eats food, score increases & snake grows Can you think of any other examples?

6 Pen Tool Lines, dots, rectangles, circles are the easiest shapes to create Blocks related to pen: Clear – erases all previously drawn pens Pen Down – starts drawing pen Pen Up – stops drawing pen Set pen color to – sets color of line

7 What you need to figure out!
How can you add more tail only when the snake eats food? How can you regulate the size of the snake? Do you need to have more than two sprites?

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